(no subject)

Oct 30, 2015 07:22

Dear Festividder,

Ahh! I'm extremely excited! This is my first year participating in Festivids, so whatever you do I will pretty much be overwhelmed with delighted awe at the idea that someone made a vid ... for me .....? What kind of witchcraft is this! (The best kind.)

I like many different kinds of vids, and many different kinds of music for that matter -- fast-paced action vids, quiet character studies, explorations of friendship and relationships, celebration vids, critique-y vids, vids that center themselves on a perfect and terrible pun ... OK I'm aware this is not very helpful. I LIKE EVERYTHING. I am also still catching up on many years' worth of vidding, so if you vid a song that's been vidded thirty times before, that's A-OK, it will probably be still new to me! And it will certainly be new to most of these tiny, amazing fandoms, on which more below!

7 Seeds

If you signed up to vid 7 Seeds for me, I am IN AWE. If you didn't sign up for this, this ... might not be your ideal second-choice fandom, since it's not just a still image fandom but specifically an ongoing post-apocalyptic ensemble manga with a million characters that's currently at 29 volumes and counting. HOWEVER, it's amazing so if you do feel inspired, BY ALL MEANS, don't let me stop you! The scanlations are all available for download here.

The basic plot of the manga focuses on groups of kids who have been (for the most part, unknowingly) frozen in time to wake up several thousands of years after a meteor has destroyed life on Earth as we know it. That provides a golden opportunity for epic amounts of character development, team-building, and REALLY BEAUTIFULLY WEIRD world-building. Giant ants! Parasite zombies! Puppies! A vast array of female characters with different strengths and personalities! Yumi Tamura has even helpfully named many of the chapters after songs! (...you definitely don't have to make a vid to any of the songs that are name-checked in the manga if you don't feel like it.) There's so many characters that I could stand here for years listing off everything that would make me happy -- Natsu character study! (Or Ayu, or Ran, or Semimaru, or Koruri, or or or....) Tragic Team Winter OT3! Team Summer B hijinks vid! Ensemble vid for everyone's parallel development! Zombie Shelter arc vid! Honestly, you could probably make me a vid that entirely consisted of loving screenshots of the five million different kinds of giant bugs that the kids encounter in various different plotlines I would be happy. GIANT EVIL MUSHROOM VID!

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

I'm just going to copy-paste from an earlier write-up to explain the plot of Bedknobs and Broomsticks and why I love it so:

1. Angela Lansbury is a prim spinster witch in a small town during WWII who gets stuck with three plucky refugees. In short order, she turns at least one of them into a rabbit.
2. Then she hooks up with the dad from Mary Poppins. He attempts to turn her into his lovely assistant, and instead she turns him into a rabbit.
4. Then they all go to a land of cartoon animals where the dad from Mary Poppins referees a football game between some lions and giraffes
5. Then they go home, and Angela Lansbury and the kids bring their clothes to life and Angela Lansbury's nightgown goes on a rampage and beats everybody up
6. Then, NAZIS
7. In a surprising plot twist, the dad from Mary Poppins turns HIMSELF into a rabbit
8. Angela Lansbury leads an army of empty suits of armor from atop a broomstick and chases the Nazis away from Britain

Given givens, I have a hard time envisioning anything other than a hijinks-y vid for this fandom, which would delight me beyond all measure, but, like, there is serious stuff going on round the edges -- see also: the Blitz! Refugees! WWII! Nazis! -- so if you have ideas for anything more serious please do not let my lack of vision prevent you from exploring this, I would be fascinated to see how that would turn out! (This is a safety fandom and, weirdly, appears to be all up on YouTube? I think it can also be downloaded from Amazon.)

Capital Scandal

Swing dancing! Motorcycles! Practical jokes! REVOLUTION! Capital Scandal is the first and dearest kdrama of my heart; I've loved every Capital Scandal vid that's come out of festivids and gift exchanges previously and I'm hungry for more!

Capital Scandal is a 16-episode drama set during the Japanese occupation of Korea in the 1930s. An incomplete list of things I love about it includes: the amazing costumes (I love them so much that my Capital Scandal tag on DW features loving picspams from every episode), the high emotional stakes, the moral complications, the slapstick comedy, the warm and loving friendships between all the characters, Na Yeo Kyung's fierceness, Woo Wan's hilariousness, Lee Su Hyun's pining, CHA SONG JOO'S EVERYTHING, FOR LO, SHE IS FLAWLESS. (Relatedly, if you wanted to make a vid that went AU for ... certain things ... that would be A-OK by me.) I do love vids that play with thirties music for this fandom, but there's also lots of other ways to go, so please don't feel restricted by that!

You can watch the whole series right now at DramaFever, and while I don't know where it's downloadable currently, I can arrange for something if something ... needs to be arranged .....


Healer is a 20-episode drama about political corruption, the power of the press, and emotionally stunted action heroes pretending to be plucky reporters. FOR GREAT JUSTICE. I just finished zooming through this show two weeks ago and loved it to pieces.

There are so many interesting characters in this show, and so many cool loose ends -- while I'd love a vid about any of the main characters and plotlines (plucky reporters vid! hilarious Clark Kenting vid! Young Shin and her mom vid! Young Shin and her dads vid! Scathing vid about political corruption! Min Ja-centric vid, SIGN ME UP), I am also super open to a vid that pulled in other sources for extensions on what we see in the show itself. What about making this imaginary sequel a little closer to reality? How about the tinhat shipper vid for Young Shin's two dads? Or a vid about the pirate radio group in their heyday, before everything went to hell in a handbasket? (If you happen to have seen Sandglass, a crossover vid would be SUPER FASCINATING.)

Healer is viki-able and DramaFever-able and I believe also ahem-able.

Into the Woods (1991)

I apologize to fans of the new movie, which certainly had many sterling qualities, but I am an Into the Woods purist -- I grew up on the 1991 original cast stage recording and my heart will forever remain with Bernadette Peters, Joanna Gleason, and Chip Zien.

Into the Woods is a musical about various fairy-tale characters whose paths cross over the course of three nights in the woods. Various problems arise, but mostly everything's fine! Then a year later all the consequences of the things they did come resounding down on their heads and everything's not fine, it's not fine at all, but IT'S OK, THEY GROW AS PEOPLE. (Well, the ones who survive.) Fair warning: the narrator doesn't make it.

The Witch and the Baker's Wife are probably my favorites -- I mean I am pretty sure they're everyone's favorites -- but there's tons of interesting stuff to say about all of them, and about the whole setup. It's also an incredibly meta musical, which could also potentially be really interesting to play with if the mood strikes you; I would be totally happy for any outside sources (Disney movies? Fairy tale illustrations? even the 2014 film) to be incorporated here.

This is a safety fandom and is I believe viewable/downloadable through Amazon!

Notre-Dame de Paris Live at the Palais de Congres

ANOTHER musical filmed from the stage, yes, yes, I know, but hear me out: the staging for this musical is RIDICULOUS. Also, the makers of the official video added so many giant overlays on top of the actual staging, it's like they're halfway to vidding their own show!

Notre-Dame de Paris is a French musical adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel from 1998, which keeps all the key features of the book -- beautiful dancer, creepy priest, devoted disabled bellringer, douchebag soldier, douchebag soldier's fourteen-year-old girlfriend, beautiful dancer's random fake husband narrator, epic tragedy, Hugovian digressions, and Gothic architectural symbolism literally crushing everything in its path! This is a safety fandom, so if we matched on something else and you want to check it out and see if it's something you might like to investigate further before spending three hours of your life watching a melodramatic French musical, I did a picspam play-by-play a few years ago. There is so much potential, though! You know you want to vid the villain literally being attacked by the scenery!

When I imagine a vid for Notre-Dame de Paris, my brain inevitably flies to angsty punk rock, but there are also many other fascinating possibilities so please feel free to explore! (Gregorian chants? Actual bell-ringing? Songs from the Disney musical?) Also, if you want to use other footage to expand the bounds of Notre-Dame beyond the limitations of the Parisian stage, be my guest. I'm not sure where to find the video legally except by purchasing the DVD, but it's definitely ahem-able, and if you need help that can also be provided.

Queen In-Hyun's Man

This 16-episode kdrama is possibly the world's most charming time travel story. As a pure romance, it is a delight; as a really smart exploration of the possibilities of time travel when used by a really intelligent person, it is ALSO a delight.

I first watched it a year ago and waxed enthusiastic about it on DW. It's really a two-person show -- like, there's other characters, but Boong-do and Hee-jin are the only ones who get much development -- and I would be really happy with a vid that focused on the two of them separately or together, with a focus on Boong-do's growing attachment to the future or Hee-jin's understanding of the past. A vid from the perspective of Hee-jin's poor manager might be fun, too! But the whole show is kind of a beautiful piece of tropetastic candy, so if your vid is also tropetastic candy THAT TOO will be a delight.

It seems to no longer be available on Viki in the states, but you can watch the whole thing in poor quality on YouTube or a-hem it here.

Thank you so much for signing up to vid one of these tiny fandoms for me -- I'm so very looking forward to whatever you make!

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