(no subject)

Oct 25, 2015 18:14

Dear Yuletide author,

Thank you so much for agreeing to write one of these tiny fandoms for me! I am so enormously excited for whatever you come up with. Please don't stress out too much about any optional details below -- write something that makes you happy, and it's pretty certain to make me happy too!

As you can probably guess from my letter, stuff that I like includes (but is not limited to) women having character development, women interacting with each other, ensemble stories, sibling dynamics, found families and friendships, and the kind of romance where two flawed and peculiar people figure out how their flaws and peculiarities fit together. I tend to love characters for their weaknesses as much as their strengths, and I love watching messed-up people grow into better and stronger and healthier people while still being recognizably the same messed-up people they always were. I am ALWAYS, for the record, really down for crossovers, and also definitely cool with canon AUs, though I prefer the kind that start out recognizably in the canon as it exists and then take an unusual turn (as opposed to, for ex., high school AUs.)

I would prefer not to see any characters bashed, especially female characters. I'm happy to read stories that are dark or creepy, especially if it fits with the tone of the original canon (looking at you, Frances Hardinge! ... and 7 Seeds, for that matter) but I tend not to be into graphic and gratuitous violence. I don't mind sexual content, but I'd rather that wasn't the whole point of the fic.

Fandom: 7 Seeds
Characters: Natsu, Ran, Nijiko
Details: Natsu and her long slow development arc is my favorite -- anything about her and all her Team Failboat relationships, either missing-scene fic during their period of flopping around on a beach or fic that picks up post-where we are in canon, would be amazing. I also love Ran and Nijiko and the development of their rival(mance?) and both of their progressions through being kind of terrible but REALLY COMPETENT, so anything about their friendship/romance/whatever, either during their initial housebuilding sprint or, again, post-canon, would be fantastic. (Also, though Botan wasn't a nominated character, I am SO INTO the Ran-Botan dynamic in the current arc and would love anything about that as well!)

7 Seeds is basically my favorite manga running -- it's incredibly lengthy, it's completely wild in terms of plotting, and it literally just gets better and better as it goes on. I've requested this a couple times now and never received it; my previous requests are here and here and they all pretty much still hold true.

Fandom: Cuckoo Song - Frances Hardinge
Characters: Trista Crescent
Details: I loved this book so much, and I loved the end so much, and I want to know what happens afterwards! I'm fascinated by the idea that Triss and Trista are going to keep in touch after the end of the novel, and would love to see some of their correspondence or future postcanon adventures. If you're not as interested in that, though, I'd also love to see how Trista navigates her relationships with Pen and/or Violet postcanon.

This is another repeat request from last year, which you can read here! Aside from the fact that I read Cuckoo Song last year rather than this year, all of this still holds true as well.

Fandom: The Lie Tree - Frances Hardinge
Characters: Faith Sunderly, Paul Clay
Details: These kids! They're so brilliant and .... so terrible .... I would really love fic about grown-up Faith and Paul going on science-and-photography adventures, scandalizing Victorian society, and continually daring each other into increasingly ill-advised exploits at home or abroad. (As far as their personal dynamics in the future, I am capable of envisioning romance, friendship, frenemyship, awkward step-siblinghood, committed nemesisitude, or any combination of the above, and would be equally happy to read about all of them.)

Speaking of: this year's Frances Hardinge novel which I am completely head-over-heels for! Here is my original write-up of the book. In addition to my overpowering love for the characters and their dynamics, I'm incredibly impressed by the way that Frances Hardinge depicts the Victorian era as a stranger and more surreal place than any fantasy world; I love the constant awareness of stifling social restrictions that suffuse the whole thing. If you wanted to go as creepy and supernatural with any fic for this book as in Hardinge's usual worldbuilding, please let your imagination go wild because that would be awesome, but I'd be just as happy with something that sticks with the completely factual history of the time period.

Fandom: Miss Marjoribanks - Margaret Oliphant
Characters: Lucilla Marjoribanks
Details: Lucilla Marjoribanks was clearly fashioned by nature to be the incredibly efficient ruler (or prime minister, or power behind the throne, or whatever) of some kind of magical kingdom. I would love any kind of fic in which she walks through a wardrobe and becomes queen of Narnia, thwarts a French invasion, thwarts an alien invasion, quietly takes over the organizational leadership of a gang of revolutionaries, or is otherwise offered some kind of dramatic opportunity to exercise her prodigious talents! Postcanon fic about Lucilla engineering Tom's rise to the Prime Ministership would also be kind of great. Note: any of the other ladies of Carlingford would be very welcome along on such adventures.

Miss Marjoribanks is an AMAZING Victorian novel; my initial write-up is here. It is basically social engineering competence porn and I just want more of it!

Fandom: Guys and Dolls - Loesser/Swerling/Burrows
Characters: Sky Masterson
Details: Suave gamblers with secret hearts of gold! Fabulous in any form, and I love Sky Masterson no matter what, but, Yuletide author, consider this: what about suave LESBIAN gamblers with secret hearts of gold? I would absolutely love a reworking of Guys and Dolls that featured a female Sky Masterson's seduction of virtuous Sarah Brown (for a bet!) (BUT REALLY FOR LOVE). However, if that's not of interest, I would also love to see how any postcanon version of Sarah Brown navigates New York's cheerful and amoral underworld now that she's married to one of its more notorious figures!

I came up with the idea for lesbian Sky Masterson last year with
genarti in a flash of inspiration last year and I have been dreaming of it ever since, but I do also just generally love Guys and Dolls and would be excited to see anything in the spirit of the musical! (Or the Damon Runyan short stories, for that matter, if that's what moves you.) For the record, I grew up with the film version, so Nathan Detroit is always Frank Sinatra in my head, but the movie cast does not have to be the cast in your head.

Fandom: Gaslight (1944)
Characters: Paula Alquist
Details: That final scene in Gaslight, where all of Ingrid Bergman's SCATHING AGGRESSION is finally unleashed, is so glorious to behold -- I want to know what happens next! How does Paula go about reclaiming her life, her identity, and her confidence in herself after Anton's done his best to take them all away from her? I'd love to see a recovery story for her; it can be as complicated as you like, but I'd prefer the tone be overall optimistic. (I am happy to have Brian Cameron and that potential romance included as part of the story as well if you'd like, but please keep in mind if you do that Paula has just come out of an incredibly abusive marriage and nothing about a new relationship is going to be easy or simple.)

I saw this movie for the first time this year and I am very deeply invested in Paula Alquist's recovery and future happiness! Although this request is last on my list, it is one of the first in my heart!

...OK, just kidding, they are all first in my heart. Seriously, I am so excited, and really looking forward to whatever you write! Thank you so much again, mystery author, and I hope you have an amazing Yuletide!

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