(no subject)

Aug 15, 2011 01:05

I'm currently hanging out in
wickedtrue and
sandrylene's spare bedroom, which has reminded me that they forcibly made me read the first volume of Star Trek: The Manga several months ago and I never wrote it up!

The thing that's great about the Star Trek manga is . . . not that it's good, because it really is not, but just how many hilarious cliches they manage to cram into five short chapters. The plots of the shorts:

- The one where people are infected with some kind of terrible space disease, and also they try to explain the origins of the Queen of the Borg! Shockingly, it makes no sense.
- The one where evil undead coffinated robot-zombies who apparently had a long-ago really bad divorce take over all the men and women of the Enterprise and start an ANGRY GENDER WAR! It is as terrible as you would expect (although on the bright side I am pretty sure there is a scene of Nurse Chapel clocking someone over the head.)
- The one where an entire planet of people turns out to be sad hallucinations!
- The one where the entire plot revolves around a giant high-tech mood ring! It's a present from one culture to another, of course. Very cherished.
- THE ONE WHERE THE ENTERPRISE FIGHTS TEENS PILOTING GUNDAMS. (Of course this is my favorite.) Hilariously, the story ends with all the troubled teens getting adopted by parents and going back to school! The thing is, if someone were going to write a Star-Trek/Gundam Wing crossover, I am pretty sure fandom would have done it better . . . but also quite probably with more traumatizing crossover OTPs so maybe it's better this way?

So . . . that happened! THANKS GUYS. On the other hand, I have now gotten my own back by gifting their household with the third volume of the Star Trek manga, which when I found it in the store opened straight to this page. I am linking to the image instead of just pasting it in because it features naked Kirk waking up to find a giant sentient teddy bear in his bed radiating ~FEELINGS WAVES~, and I am kind enough not to inflict this on people unwarned.

When I flipped forward a few pages Kirk was hugging the teddy bear while surrounded by hearts and rainbows and then confessing his love to Spock under its influence, so, you know, that was clearly money well spent and I am sure Gen, Feather and Sandry will thank me for giving them this present.

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