(no subject)

Aug 12, 2011 00:36

So genarti and I were talking about the AMAZING TASTE we had as thirteen-year-olds last night, and one thing led to another, and, to make a long story short, Gen has just given me A PRESENT that I generously feel the need to share with you all!

"I am beautiful," Firesong said, admiring a mirror while he adjusted the silver crest of his glorious hair. On his shoulder, Aya preened his own wing.
"I am more beautiful," sighed Edward to an exquisitely crafted pool of water. "But my heart is a monster's. This is the gorgeous chiseled face of a killer, Firesong."
"Now, now, boys, you're both pretty," snapped Elspeth, and she stormed off to soak in a hot spring.
"She's got a point," said Firesong.
And then they made out.

(Gen says, to save what little reputation she has left, I should add that I requested it, but actually what I requested was Edward Cullen/Vanyel. I am okay with her edits though.)

ANYWAY, in honor of this gem, I am declaring OPEN SEASON on hilarious crossover pairings of overwrought YA heroes and heroines. EMBRACE YOUR INNER THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLDS, MY FRIENDS. (Gen has also promised to try her hand at Edward Cullen/Neko-sensei! >:D)

This entry is cross-posted at Livejournal from http://skygiants.dreamwidth.org/251579.html. Please feel free to comment here or there! There are currently
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wtf, mercedes lackey

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