(no subject)

Jul 06, 2011 10:10

Oh man, I have been looking forward to this one.
kd7sov asked me for my top five love songs I associate with specific characters! This is my favorite way to listen to music, because I am an enormous dork with thirty vids in my head that I will never acquire the technical skills to make.

1. Deja Vu, Something For Kate (Lyrics)

This is my ultimate Fakir/Duck song! Fate and free will, stories that have happened before, "until one of us makes the other one come true" INDEED. And the tone of it hits just the right wistful note that I associate with the end of Princess Tutu - not a happy ending, exactly, but an honest one.

2. Downfall, Matchbox 20 (Lyrics)

It's probably bad form to do two from the same canon, but OH WELL. This is a song I desperately want to vid for Rue and Mytho and their massively codependent unhealthy raven's-blood-infused relationship; love is a lifeline, but it's also a weapon. (I do believe in a happy ending for Rue and Mytho, but seriously only after a lot of painful hard work, because neither of them knows how to love in a healthy way. The ending of canon is a start, but it's just that - a start.)

3. Raised By Wolves, Voxtrot (Lyrics)

Speaking of enormously unhealthy relationships! This is actually kind of an . . . anti-love-song? Okay, I ship Mitt/Maewen like everyone does, but I'm also really fascinated by the relationship between Mitt and Hildy in the Dalemark books, if you can even call it that (Mitt at least clearly has a massive crush at one point, Hildy's side probably depends on your personal canon). I love them both and I think they do care about each other, but between the class issues and their respective personal traumas and the fact that they can both be hugely unpleasant people when they want to it's probably a good thing they never got together because they would rip each other to pieces. And this song nicely encapsulates why.

4. Dark Time, October Project (Lyrics)

Another one that is . . . not at all a love song! Also a BLAST FROM THE PAST. Ages and ages ago, I made a Fionavar Tapestry playlist and put this on for Paul and Jaelle and their epic angsty brooding god-avatar romance, as much about their respective roles and faiths as it was about them as individuals. These days I see some of the things about that whole storyline that are more problematic, but every time it comes up on my iPod I am instantly transformed back into my thirteen-year-old self who shipped it so hard I can't even tell you.

5. Gravity, Vienna Teng (Lyrics)

You seriously didn't think I was going to get through this list without a Roy/Riza ultimate codependence song, did you? (Not that I don't have like ten that could have gone here. BUT THIS ONE MOST.)

Honorable Mention #6. TRAGEDY The Bee Gees (Lyrics)

This is an honorable mention because the character I associate this song with fluctuates according to what is most hilarious to me at any given time! (And it's ALWAYS HILARIOUS.) Currently it is Ren from Skip Beat, although to be fair is probably closer to the Lory inner-mind-theater version of what Ren is going through than the reality. Nonetheless, every time the manga brings up Ren's TRAGIC BACKSTORY, this just starts playing in my head and I fall over laughing. EVERY TIME.

YOUR TURN. Share with me the songs that you associate with your favorite pairings! Or anti-pairings or friendships or whichever, really. Anything goes!

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princess tutu, skip beat, fullmetal alchemist, music, fionavar, diana wynne jones

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