Ten things you did this year that you are proud of :D. asked by my best beloved <3
1) Well, there's the obvious: I started dating shipwreck_light! I am not proud about how that came about, mind you; it involved a lot of weird pining and a hilariously awkward conversation in a Dairy Queen drivethrough but you really cannot argue with results. HI DARLING I LOVE YOU <3333
2) I got a job! Actually I got two jobs! And I was an excellent employee and I am very proud of my performance in both places.
3) I quit the second job. I did it for my own personal health as well as because the management was all kinds of messed up and they weren't paying me enough, but I'm most proud of taking care of myself first and admitting that I was not well and that work was not helping.
4) I wrote at least 100 words every single day this year. Every. Single. Day. I'm awesome.
5) I managed my move to California very smoothly. I have also been paying my bills and eating food like a motherfucking adult.
6) I've learned to bead! Not completely, obviously, as there are ten thousand other things to learn, but I've started to and I have a handle on at least two or three different stitches and it's just awesome, okay.
7) I managed to get health care on my own. It took me a while and it was a hell of a hurdle but I did it.
8) I asked for help when I needed it. I conquered feelings of guilt that my parents both dropped everything to come be with me, and I asked for help again later because I needed it. So basically I made good self-care decisions.
9) I took excellent care of my baby kitty and transported him across the country without him being anything more than annoyed at his confinement.
10) I have been educating myself in my ongoing attempt to be a better person. I think I've made strides this year.
And that is that! Thank you and goodnight!
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