Earlier today I managed to nearly work myself into a panic attack because my keys were in my coat pocket instead of my purse. And people don't believe anxiety disorders are real.
My conservative aunt and some other members of that side of the family are pissing me off again, so you know what that means-- GAY PORN. Or, y'know, gay people kissing, or holding hands, or generally just committing the foul crime of being gay and happy at the same time. Leave me a couple and a prompt and I'll see what I can do. It's NaNoWriMo, though, so no guarantees, unless you ask for Gina/Ivy and the Regency, in which case you're probably going to get a lot more than you asked for or even wanted.
why why why why why is it not Friday at six-thirty. I am working from nine to six tomorrow with one maybe half-hour break to drive from job to job, which means I don't get to eat until my break at Job #2, which will be at about fourish? So my breakfast better be good. Oh, and I have to get up at AT LEAST 7:30 so I can then feed my neighbors' cats before I go to Job #1, then be very swift about leaving Job #2 so I can feed them again. Oh, and sometime tonight I have to clean the house up so my landlord doesn't come back from her vacation in London and decide I'm a hopeless slob who can't be a property manager.
Why am I working so many jobs, world? What possessed me to do this?
ugh. Tired. Come on, self, only 2.5k words and you can go to bed.
If I owe you comments, they will probably appear over the weekend. Until then I have a full schedule of not panicking and not dying.
Thirty-four days, nineteen hours, twenty-nine minutes and twenty-one seconds until Peter.
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http://bookblather.dreamwidth.org/110281.html. Please comment over there if possible.