Puerto Rico has voted in favor of statehood for the first time. This isn't binding, and it may not go anywhere yet, but I'd look for a fifty-first state sometime in the near future.
New Hampshire has become the first state to elect an all-female delegation to Congress. 3)
New Hampshire has also elected a female governor. 4) Hawaii has elected (get ready for this) their first female senator, the first female Asian-American in the Senate, the first Senator born in Japan, and the first Buddhist senator
all in the same remarkable woman. 5) Illinois elected the
first disabled female veteran to the House. She is also the first Asian-American representative from Illinois. You may remember her from disparaging comments made about her by her opponent, who lost rather decisively.
6) Wisconsin
elected the nation's first openly gay Senator. 7)
Mary Gonzalez is the first openly pansexual official in the United States. She's in Texas, guys. TEXAS. I know right?
8) Todd Akin-- fondly known to those of you on Tumblr as "duckfucker"-- has been defeated.
Decisively. 9) Richard Mourdock was also defeated.
People are attributing both losses to their comments on rape. Possibly the country is waking up to the reality of sexual assault a little? Maybe?
Maine has legalized gay marriage. 11)
Maryland has legalized gay marriage. 12)
Washington has probably legalized gay marriage. 13)
Minnesota refused to ban gay marriage. 14)
Washington legalized recreational pot. 15)
Colorado legalized recreational pot. eta 16)
Hawaii also elected the first ever Hindu congresscritter. Thanks,
I am so, so proud of my country right now. Even the legalized pot, which may look petty compared to the rest of these victories (because, seriously? Alcohol's legal but pot isn't? Are you serious?). As
geena quite rightly pointed out, the legalization of pot will keep thousands of POC youth out of prison. Not petty at all.
I think we're gonna be okay.
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