Feb 16, 2008 01:19
Well, I finally changed majors. I was an Applied Math major. I actually applied to my school as an Engineering major, but changed it to Applied Mathematics before I registered for my first semester's classes. However, I wasn't ever too confident about my major. I chose math because I'm good at math, and the applied part was because I'd want to put my math knowledge to practical use. But I didn't know what I would do with that major, and wasn't even sure I'd like it. People would ask me my major, and I'd always tell them the answer, and then tell them I was thinking of changing it.
Last semester, I added History and Computer Science minors. History has been something I've really enjoyed for awhile, and I discovered I liked Computer Science my first semester when taking an intro course required for my math minor. So those were possible majors, especially the history. Computer Science, not so much, because it just takes so many units and I want to be able to take random electives. The problem with switching to a history major is that my practical side had too many reservations about the idea (what would I do with such a major?). And of course, I'm just generally indecisive and like to keep my options over. I have few career plans in mind at the moment (though as of now, being a librarian or a teacher sounds appealing), so I didn't have those to go off of.
So earlier this week I finally made a decision. I switched degrees (I was going for a Bachelor of Science, now I'm going for a Bachelor of Arts), and changed my major from Applied Mathematics to a double major in History and Computer Science. I'm keeping math as a minor, as I only need one more class. Plus, the type of Computer Science major I have requires a minor, since you have to take "only" 36 hours of Comp Sci. classes. Anyway, this is a compromise between my practical side and the side of me that just wants to do what I like. I really like both Computer Science and History, and while I like History better, Comp. Sci. gives me more options career-wise if I don't decide to be a librarian or a teacher.
Things still aren't completely certain. I have to meet with my advisers to make sure I've planned everything correctly. I also need to petition a couple of my classes so they count towards my new requirements with my new degree program. And finally, this new plan puts me on a pretty tight schedule. I won't be able to take a whole lot of extra electives. So I may end up dropping Computer Science back down to a minor. But I figure it's easier to start with it as a major and demote it rather than deciding later I want it as a major and having to graduate late because I didn't get all my requirements done on time.
One of the main reasons my class schedule will be tight is that I want to study abroad in Madrid, Spain next semester. I've been talking about it for a bit now, and last week I finally turned in my application. I still have some other paperwork to fill out for my own school, but that's not due for awhile. At any rate, unless something major comes up, it looks like I'll be studying in Europe this fall!
decisions decisions decisions