Mininano entry 4

Nov 05, 2009 22:46

The big bang fic is slowly getting there. Tonight's excerpt is the Trash re-write.

532 words of un-betaed ficcage ahead...

“Real shame about Mal,” Monty clapped Jayne on the back. “You could have knocked me over with a feather when it was the pretty girl that contacted me.”

Jayne nodded cautiously. He didn’t hold with Kaylee telling all and sundry how undefended they really were. But she’d argued that the other captain and Mal were war buddies and Mal would’ve wanted him to know. In Jayne’s opinion Mal had been a gorramn sight too trusting of folks and Kaylee was even more so. That weren’t suspicious of anybody, not even him...and she knew him.

“At least he went out fighting,” Monty mused still talking about Mal. “Kind of fitting for Mal.”

“I guess,” Jayne shifted uncomfortably and glanced around at Monty’s crew.

After what happened last time he’d been down planet, he was being extra specially careful. But no-one was acting suspiciously; they were just loading the boat like they were supposed to. Though Monty looked different somehow; Jayne couldn’t figure out how. “Hey you’re missing your beard!” He fingered his own whiskers. “What you do that for?”

“I got married back a bit…Bridget!” Monty called. “She talked me out of the beard...Bridget!” he called again. “I’m introducing her to all my contacts…Bridget!”

“Coming,” a far off voice cried.

Jayne didn’t care if he met the woman or not. Married women just weren’t his thing; he liked his women loose and easy and with no complications. But Kaylee and ‘Nara would want him to do the pretty and would talk him to death if he didn’t. Heaving a put upon sigh he turned to meet Monty’s woman and pulled out his gun... the same time she was pulling hers.

“What the diyu?” Monty spluttered as his wife, gun still raised, lifted her leg to kick Jayne.

Jayne sidestepped the leg easily. “Her name ain’t Bridget,” he ignored Monty’s outraged shout; knocked the gun out of the conniving bitch’s hand and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. “It’s Saffron.”

“Put me down you big oaf,” the red headed woman wiggled fruitlessly.

“Put her down,” echoed Monty. “And tell me what in the gorramn hell is going on here.”

“You ain’t the only one she’s married. Mal and her got hitched all unexpected like awhile back.”

“Don’t listen to him Monty.”

Jayne watched as Saffron’s lips gave a convincing wobble and snorted. “Yeah don’t listen…and wake up with your ship heading for the junk yard or you in trouble with her nowhere to be seen.”

“I wouldn’t do a thing like that!” Saffron looked affronted. “He must have me mixed up with someone.”

“Jayne?” Monty looked between them, his face all scrunched up.

Jayne leered and shook his head. “I ain’t gonna forget a body like hers. Or the trouble she caused.”


“What’s she doing here?” Kaylee frowned at Jayne as he pushed Saffron into a chair.

“She’s got an idea to make us some coin,” he started.

“Us?” Inara followed Kaylee into the room. “You don’t really believe that do you?”

“Of course not, I ain’t stupid.”

“So why’d you bring her here then?” Kaylee glared at the woman at the table. “You know what she did to Serenity last time.”

mininanowrimo, fic, big bang, writing

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