I saw that there's a Torchwood classic Big Bang coming up, and that sign ups are still open. The rules state that sequels are allowed, as long as it's available to read as a stand-alone as well, and that AUs are acceptable as well, as long as it features characters from seasons 1 and 2 teams.
I'm thinking that this may be a good time to start on the sequel to It All Falls Apart and Putting It Back Together again, as I was planning to rewrite season 2 using my new timeline and characters. All people really need to know about the previous fics is that Rhys is dead and I added a new character to the team.
A mini Big Bang is 7500 words minimum and a full Big Bang is 15 000 words minimum. I'm thinking that I could put the entire series two into the story, and make it not adhere as closely to the eps as I did with It All Falls Apart.
(We won't mention the fact that I have an Avengers Secret Santa, Bruce/Natasha fic, Nat!crush fic, Being Human fic and companion fic, and Nancy Drew/Frank Hardy fic which all need to be finished/written.)
Would anyone be willing to help, or am I completely crazy with wanting to do another Torchwood Big Bang?
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