Painted red, sweet arm calligraphy! [7/?]

Jul 25, 2008 23:05

Title: Painted red, sweet arm calligraphy! [7/?]
Author: boogymanprodigy
Pairing: FeeXGee
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Gerard is a pretty unpopular student who is obsessed with writing. One day he finds a poem on his his locker door and makes it his job to find the anonymous writer.
Disclaimer: Pure work of fiction!
Warning: Self Mutilation, Swearing, 'Fag Drags', boysecks
Authors Note: Ahhhhhhhh its finally here! I had been waiting to do this chapter. Ahhh you people are going to hate me. I love it!

The dark goes away! Just open your eyes! 
Hold on (part 1)
hold on (part 2)
When you find something new your old toys get locked in the toy box. 
I'm not your angel and your not my anonymous.

Now you're hoping for more.  

Mikey told me he was spending the night at Brendon’s for the weekend and that I could just drop him off there. Of course he had me also drive Ryan and Sonny with them. Just to make things more complicated I had also told William that morning in study Hall I could take him home and at the end of 4th I had ask Frank to come over so here we were; in my small ass car trying to fit everyone.

We finally chose seating of William in shot gun and Ryan, Sonny, and Brendon in the back with Mikey on Brendon’s lap and Frank on Ryan’s lap. They bitched the whole way there, but I didn’t really care. I just kept telling them they could get the fuck out and walk their fat Asses home and after a while they stopped complaining.

After I dropped the four goons off it was just William, Me, and Frankie. Let me just say that William was practically radiating hate towards Frankie. I swear if you got to close to him you could nearly choke from it. Though Frankie didn’t quite seem to notice.

I wish I could be so blissfully unaware as him because sitting next to Bill in such a state was actually frightening. His fists were clenched and his knuckles looked white. “You okay Bill?” erupted into the air and I seriously didn’t remember opening my mouth. I didn’t. Frankie did, which pissed William off even more. Mostly because I was the only one who called him Bill.

Right then I pulled up at William’s house and he didn’t even wait for me to park. He got out of the car slamming the door huffing up his drive way. Then I heard it. Frankie’s giggle. “What the hell Frank?” I spat and he only smiled more. “He is jealous of me,” he said in a triumphant tone. “Why?” I couldn’t help but ask. “Well he likes you and is mad you invited me over instead of him” he said casually moving up to get into the passenger seat his ass lingering near my face a little longer than it should before he managed to get his legs over so he could sit.

I continued driving back to my place knowing my mom wouldn’t be home till tomorrow meaning I had the house to us alone. “Frank when do you need to be home?” I asked to make sure his ‘mum’ wouldn’t be mad for me having him over though I had a feeling she could care less. “I don’t. My mom asked me to go to school and see if you could take care of me for tonight since she was mad at me,” he said glumly his expression quickly changing. He looked like he might cry. “Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked without realizing the pet name that slipped out. I always did that when comforting Mikey.

“I kept begging her to let me go back to school and I kept trying to leave the house and I yelled at her kind of mad and I, I never yell at her, but she wouldn’t let me call you and I was angry and I said she didn’t love me and she went off the deep end and shoved me out of the house this morning telling me to go to you if you loved me so much more than she did.” He said feeling ashamed for yelling at his mommy. I knew he loved his ‘mom’ and respected her so it was no shock he was so sad to know she was angry with him.

“It’s okay. I’m going to take you home and we can watch movies and eat ice cream and read comics and do whatever you want” I offered and he smiled brightly. He was doing that a lot with me lately. The only thing that buzzed in my head was, why?

Back at my house Frank made himself at home very easily. He kicked his shoes off and headed up the stairs looking in one or two rooms before deciding which one was mine and plopped down on my bed. I came up dropping my bag before kneeling in front of the small TV in my room. “So a movie then?” I asked. “DUH! You’re supposed to watch movies at sleepovers.” He stated matter-o-factly and I giggled raising up some of my movies for him to pick. He didn’t like any of the first three I pulled out and I ended up hauling every DVD I had in my room to my bed for him to see.

“OH EM GEE!!” he squealed and I smacked him because really, who said that? “We have to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” he said excitedly and I grinned slipping it into the DVD player.

Frank pushed all my DVDs off the bed before getting comfy and making a space for me to lie next to him. I padded over to where he was laying and slipped in against him. Apparently this movie was one of Frank’s favorites because he could recite every line by memory, which was slightly annoying, but at the same time extremely cute.

What I enjoyed about Frank that I didn’t about William was the fact there was never any tension. Not that we had been hanging out for ages for there to be any. It was just the fact when William came over he tried to always push the touch barrier and was always nervous, but with Frankie he didn’t care. He wasn’t trying to make moves on me. He was just trying to enjoy my company.

After half way through the movie I had given up on watching and just watched frank mouth the words. Finally he said in a soft voice.

“But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.
What happened?
He lived happily ever after.”

At that I realized the movie was over because Frankie finally tore his eyes from the TV and was staring directly into my own eyes. I didn’t make any sign of moving and neither did he. We were just comfortable lying there next to each other. Frank’s hand came up and the tips of his fingers skidded so gently over the surface of my cheek. I shut my eyes just enjoying the feeling before letting them lazily open.

“Soft” he whispered and I merely flashed him a small smile humming an ‘Mhm’. “Just like an angel” he said and then he was titling forward pressing his lips to mine. I was the first to move my lips against him and he finally got the nerves to actually participate in the kiss. It was so innocent and soft. There was no rush to it, which made me feel safe. I had reign on the pace we moved at.

We stayed like that for a long time. Just making out lazily. Frank’s hands rubbed up and down my sides in a soothing motion. I was the first to take the next step letting my tongue run over his bottom lip which he first didn’t comply but after I let out a whine against his lips he opened his mouth and I snaked my tongue in.

This was something I didn’t do much. Barely ever did the words ‘Gerard Way’ and ‘Make out’ ever appear in the same sentence unless the sentence was ‘ Nobody would make out with Gerard Way’. I couldn’t help, but feel as if the whole time I was doing it wrong. Frank wasn’t complaining now so I would just continue what I was doing.

The way Frank’s tongue moved against mine completely contradicted the chaste kisses we were sharing before. This was dirty. After we had pulled apart to breathe Frank pinned me down leaning his head in pressing his tongue eagerly into my mouth. After tasting my every inch his tongue moved to scrape over my pallet then moved to battle fiercely with my tongue. I could actually taste his spit in my mouth. It wasn’t a lot, but this kiss definitely was what they called ‘swapping spit’. It was hot and dirty and I liked it.

Frank became ballsier when his hand moved from my shoulder to the hem of my shirt slipping under it and tracing against my skin. His fingers where soft, like an artists’.

His thumbs padded over my hardening buds making me moan into his mouth. I could barely think, but the only thought that did pop up was; had Frank ever done this before?

Frank let out a growl of frustration since I still was sort of lying there instead of touching him back. I finally brought my arms up slipping under his shirt rubbing over his back. He leaned slightly into the touch encouraging me to continue moving my hands. I slid them down and squeezed his ass making him yelp slightly moving suddenly causing my arousal to rub against his in a burst of heat.

“Fuck” I muttered and he nodded frantically not remembering quite how to speak. “D-do that again?” I begged and he did grinding his body down against mine. Another rendition of moans sounded. “Fuck Gee that feels, fuck” he blurted out not really being coherent. He shouldn’t be because if he was he obviously wasn’t focused enough on the task at hand.

“Shirt, you, off now” he said between breathes as he continued to gyrate his lower body against mine. Normally I would be subconscious about people seeing me without a shirt, but I had a feeling Frankie really wouldn’t care. I tugged at it hastily getting stuck in it which made him chuckle shakily while he helped it over my head. I didn’t like him laughing at me in bed. I didn’t care if I wasn’t smooth about everything so I decided to put it to an end by bring my hand down to his crotch cupping it. His giggles were replaced by a big intake of breath and a long guttural moan. It was so raw and ear splitting. I actually shivered at the sound.

Frank let his head swoop down to take one of my nipples up in his mouth between his teeth. He rolled it around gently between the pinching bones before letting his lips wrap around it encasing it in complete heat as he sucked at it. My hand stopped its movement on Frankie’s nether region as I let out a string of profanities followed by, “God fuck, I, feel s’good, more, I just, Ungh, Frankie”. My one hand moved up from his ass trailing over his spine, weaving into his hair giving it a light tug. He groaned into my chest sending vibrations through my nerves as I arched into his touch. His other hand came up tweak my other bud, pinching it on occasion, causing me to hiss.

This was a side of Frankie I had never experience. This is a side of Frankie I could really get use to experiencing. Our heartbeats were so loud and I felt like my whole body was in a race. I couldn’t catch up to my breaths. It felt almost like an out of body experience. Though I was very in my body because I felt every sensation that ran through me from head to toe as Frank teased my sensitive nubs.

Finally he pulled back looking into my eyes. His eyes were no longer his normal hazel but a sickly honey color. His eyes almost looked drug induced. They were glazed over and unfocused. He sat up slightly tugging his shirt over his head and, fuck. I forgot how to breathe at that moment. Though he wasn’t done. His hand has moved to my pants and I watched mesmerized as he flicked my jean button open with skill and slowly tugged my zipper down.

I wanted to shout at him to get on with it, but he wouldn’t. He wanted me to feel every single second of this. Not just rush through it and I realized that. It was just very hard now that all the blood I used for thinking went to my other head. I could feel myself throb through my jeans. Almost like my member had a heartbeat of it’s own.

“Please Frankie, just, fuck. Get on with it!” I whined and he grinned mischievously. “Get on with what?” he asked now abandoning my pants his hand completely to himself as he watched me writhe desperately on the bed. “You know!” I groaned, but he didn’t give any indication that he would be touching me again unless I said it so I sighed. “What do you want Gee? I really can’t do it unless I know,” he said with a malicious look on his face. “I, fuck, blow me already” I grunted bucking my hips up.

“No not with that kind of attitude. I want the magic words.” He said and I let out a huff starting to take my own pants off in need of getting out of my confines. I was so hard it hurt. “Please” I whined and he cocked a brow. “Please what?” He was going to try to make this as hard for me as possible. “Please suck me off” I begged.

“Nope not good enough. Try again.” He said giggling. He must of gotten high off of this because the more he saw me look at him pleadingly the more his eyes would light up hungrily. I really didn’t know what to say so I made a reach blindly in the dark. “Please, Most amazing Frankie will you suck me off” I asked and he grinned pushing me slightly so my legs dangled off the bed and he sat between them. “Now was that so hard?” he asked with a snicker.

He stroked my boxers slowly. I immediately let a moan gurgle its way up and out of my mouth from the contact back on my erect organ. “You sound so pretty when you make those noises” he said continuing to stroke me through the thin cotton. I don’t know why Frankie liked to torture me, but he did. He drew out everything making me whimper with need. I could tell he needed control. This was his aphrodisiac because he chose when or how I would cum and I relied only on him. I could understand why. He was so helpless without his meds and obviously relied on his ‘mother’ his whole life so this was new and something he didn’t often get. He brought his tongue down and licked me through my boxers sucking on the bulge. If he didn’t take them off soon I would probably hurt him.

Frank took the elastic between his teeth and lowered the band over my member letting it spring to life as all boundaries were eliminated. I felt another shiver run through me as the cold air hit my cock. It was already leaking precum and I knew I wouldn’t last very long. Frank could sense this too and didn’t waste much time teasing me and took the head of my length into his mouth sucking on it tenderly his tongue flicking over the slit as his hand fisted the bottom of my shaft pumping it.

Man, the skill he possessed. I was putty in his hand. He slightly slid his head down my length bobbing up and down it his finger meeting his lips every once in a while as the worked in unison to get me off. I looked down at him and saw him staring straight up at me through dark thick eyelashes and I felt myself tense in my stomach. I was so close.

Frank brought his hand down and palmed at himself as he continued now becoming slightly sloppier with his rhythm. My fingers had been woven into his hair from the minute he had started and they started to pull hard on the strands now that I felt myself on the edge. The only words to fall from my mouth were curses between a symphony of moans. Frank was moaning around me making my resistance to hold on crumble. He let his teeth slightly nip the head of my cock and I lost it spilling my load.

I didn’t expect him to swallow but he did. He was still palming himself and after a few seconds he let his eyes shut his mouth hung open as his orgasm washed over himself and then my name spilled from his lips loudly in a raspy voice and he was done.

Now that my thought process was back I couldn’t help but just go over the fact that Frank Iero Sucked me off. That was definitely something I would have never thought would have happened about a month and a half ago.

Frank crawled up my body and I wanted to say something, but he just placed a kiss to my lips before looking into my eyes “We’ll talk later. Just hold me. I’m tired,” he said dropping down on the bed his head on the pillows. I moved to behind him my arms around his waist so that I was spooning him.

When I woke up it wasn’t Saturday. It was still Friday barely. My cell phone was going off and I reached for it and noticed Williams number. I was tempted not to pick up, but I did because he had never called me this late and it could be an emergency.

I just had to think it, because I was right. A weeping Mrs. Beckette greeted me. “Gerard dear, William he is in the hospital. He was grabbed by these guys and-” there was more, but it all came out in sniffles so I couldn’t tell what it was.

“Where are you?” I asked and she sobbed again for a moment and I waited for it to calm down. “Mercy Hospital” she sniffed and I told her I would be there soon. Of course I then realized I had Frank-fucking-Iero snuggled into me sleeping so peacefully.

I really didn’t want to wake him, but I had to. I leaned down peppering his neck and face with soft open mouth kisses before his eyes finally fluttered open and his mouth curved into his natural smile. “I knew it wasn’t a dream,” he said and I laughed softly pecking his lips. “No it wasn’t a dream,” I muttered. “What time is it? It’s still dark” he commented and I remembered my friend was in the hospital.

“I got a phone call. William is in the hospital. We have to go,” I said and he furrowed his brows together in confusion, but got up finding his shirt pulling it on. “Can I burrow a pair of your boxers?” he asked and smirked remembering last night. I padded over to my dresser and tugged out a pair tossing them at him. He eyed them carefully as if looking for flaws but finally nodded in approval shoving his old ones down in front of me without a care, pulling the new ones on.

I couldn’t hide my blush, but it was dark so my room did it for me. After he tugged on his pants I pulled my shirt on and a pair of pants. We stumbled down the stairs tugging our shoes on and pushed out the door in a rush. A part of me felt sick with worry for what could have happened to my friend.

When we got to the hospital his mom was outside her face red as she cried a cigarette dangerously dangling from her lips. I walked up throwing the cancer stick to the ground before hugging her. “What happened?” I asked and she choked on a sob. “Well he had your sweater in his book bag and forgot and wanted to return it to you and also give you a poem he wrote for you and as he walked to your house some boys started to gang up on him and read the poem he wrote and started to call him gay and a pansy and before I knew it I was being called from the hospital and came in to find a cop explaining to me my son had been tide up and dragged by a car down the road.” She said and my eyes widened.

I had heard of things such as fag drags, but never witnessed one happening. I felt sick at the idea of William struggling as he was pulled extremely fast down the road the gravel digging into his skin. In fact I actually did get sick. I turned toward the streets and hurled.

I felt a warm hand come up and rub my back soothingly and I remembered Frankie had been there. “This is so fucked up,” I muttered feeling slightly at fault because if I hadn’t left my hoody at study hall he wouldn’t have grabbed it and had to return it to me.

“How is he?” I asked. His mom cried more than she had before and it made my heart sink. “Gerard sweetie, they don’t think he is going to make it.” She said hoarsely and I froze. How could this be happening? My body shook as I felt the tears coming, but before they could fall everything went black.

Authors Note: Okay so this chapter was one of the big chapters I had planned a long time ago. Well the fag drag part. because seriously something devastating always must happen in my fics. Even in my most fluffiest.
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