there is someone on
weepingcock who has an icon of a disembodied penis running along a forest path on it's ball-sac feet. guess what i was dreaming about last night? yeah.
so in the dream, blair, i, and this random!cute!native american indian guy were guides, and we had to find our sentinels, and to do so, we went through this kind of ritual journey - you know the traditional fast-in-the-forest-and-wander-till-you-find-your-spirite-guide thing? kind of like that. except our spirit guides were... little cocks running around on their ball-feet, pointing the way to our sentinels. yeah...
this spirit walk thing started with random!NA-guy gathering me and blair up, saying it was time to find our sentinels, and we were all going together, because they were going to be a triumverate of the 3 most powerful sentinels in the world, at a time when we really needed their powers and protection. so we couldn't afford to lose them. so we go into this house (unfortunately, i did not have cool architecture this dream... possibly the running cocks stole it away), and into the bedroom, and into this closet, where there's this tiny little grill that's kind of like a gait to narnia. except it's a gate to... serhenghetti Africa. so we all slip through the gait-grill thru magickal dream shape-shifting reasoning, and start off. with little cocks pointing the way.
i shit you not, NA-guy said 'you'll be fine, just follow the cock!' *head-desks*
NA-guy takes off into the plains to find his sentinel, at about which time i realize that sentinel-guide bonding includes lots of sex. evidently i always knew this, and was ok with this, but it's the first time it came to mind. dream-logic. i turn to blair, and say, i'm worried about doing this alone. he tells me not to worry, just follow him. so we take off north to the amazon. i'm kind of surprised we didn't cross the mississippi on the way, but nope, we don't even run into the congo or the amazon river. we find jim in the jungle.
jim is all over-stressed and over-sensed and big crabby dirty hermit-guy who's barely hanging on because his senses are so overloaded. at this point, i realize the running cocks have morphed into big cats - jim's jaguar, which is somehow really blair's, and my cheetah. or i am a cheetah. or something. and i know the three guides are the cats, and NA-guy's guide is a cougar, which i see briefly before it peels off and heads to where-ever. and also, there are three eagles. a bald eagle (jim), a golden eagle (NA-guy's sentinel, who i never meet or know), and a third eagle which i never really catch a good look at, but might be an osprey now that i'm thinking about it, because it turns out that my sentinel is... Chris Larabee. oh boy.
anyway, we find jim at his cabin in the jungle, blair goes into raptures, and off they go together into the cabin for loads of porn farr. and i'm alone with my cheetah, who's looking at me like, 'come on, you idiot, we gotta go'. so off we go, to the egyptian coast. (remember the fun i have with dream geography? so we started out in random!USA, went thru the gait to southern africa, found jim in the amazonian rainforest, and now we're in the egyptian desert - all without crossing *any* bodies of water.)
on the egyptian coast, i - who am now in cheetah form - find a unit of men dressed in those black cargo pants type things that you see SEALs and black-ops people on tv and in movies use for their actual missions. it's night, they're trying to rescue someone or get something or whatever, and most of the group seems to be waiting for a late-comer. who is Chris, of course, he's in trouble. sort of. his mask is off, and i'm like, i've got to rescue him, but... i can't see anything to fight. so i'm all like, fine, i'll just stick close. so i do, and there follows a number of scenes which are obviously my brain working out scenarios on what i behave like to convince Chris i'm not just a cheetah. and also, i try to swim in the ocean. not a smart cheetah, just saying.
Buck is there, too, with his mustach, but much shorter head-hair. driving an LCAC, which he shouldn't be, because that's a specialty with training all on it's own, and he's 'obviously' a part of Chris's SEAL team. i'm all like, somehow, i have to convince Chris to take me with him when he leaves the area... on a sub. and i can sense part of me going 'you're kidding, right?! no commander in his right mind is going to let a wild cheetah onto a *submarine*, no way!'
somehow - i think i save his life some way or something - i manage to get aboard the submarine, which is evidently not a long slim tube anymore but an underwater cruise ship, and i stay in Chris's cabin. and we're there looking at pictures of Chris's wife, and he's crying or pining or something, but i sense/know she and Adam are very much alive. and that part of me that objected to this whole thing on grounds of pragmatic reality is going 'wait, jim and blair are getting it on, NA-guy and *his* guy are getting it on, what do you mean i'm not getting any sex out of this?!'
so the last shot of Chris in his cabin, staring at and angsting over his photo of his wife and son, and he looks up into a conveniantly-placed floor-standing mirror. and i *had* been a cheetah, kind of sitting against his back to offer tactile support. in the final shot, looking into the mirror, i transform behind chris back to human, and put my arms around him and do the clinch thing.
just one problem - when i transformed back to human, i was a man.
it's probably a good thing i woke up them, cause my brain went *asplodey* there.