Feb 21, 2005 11:27
rob schneider came to our school! when RACHELLE, ME, JACKIE, & PATTY came in from the front, everyone started boo-ing at us. those bitches. whatever. & yeahh they thought i ditched school today so they had to call my parents.
i hate blue days on a friday ! geez we get out at 3 and all. well, i didnt go to didi's house but spent time with my MOM shopping.
went to EMMA'S casa to film our project. so it was just ME PATTY & EMMA. it was funny. there was this part where emma had to say, "look at my gray hairs!" and then we film her dog because it had lots of gray hair. hahah omg.. while we were watching it, her cute but almost blind doggy peed on me! hahah i was using the same pillow he peed on. nasty i know.
was supposed to go to RACHELLE'S house. dudde i couldn't go. which sucks. well my uncle from san diego came over and that was pretty much it.
no school. i think im gonna have to go to that same casino place i went to last week. ugh. that means im gonna be absent tomorrow ! kayyy i`ll edit this later.
- - joannE