i thought it was gonna rain yesterday &today ? well whatever that's good. to be honest too much rain is annoying. but i still love the rain. since im bored i did one of those surveys thing ... by who i got from jocelyn (:
this is
+ name: joanne
+ nickname: do i have any .. hoanne
+ gender: chick
+ age: 14
+ height: almost 5.. im short
+ hair color: red like "chruch wine"
+ eye color: brown
+ location: la
+ fallen off the bed? sleeping, no .. from laughing, yeahh
+ fallen for a relative? Nooooo
+ had plastic surgery? no
+ broke someone`s heart? i dont think
+ had your heart broken? no
+ had a dream come true? i guess ..?
+ done something you regret? SHh yeahh
+ cheated on a test? no shit .. who doesnt?
+ broken a body part? nope
+ wearing- an ae shirt and boxers
+ listening to- mr cheeks
+ chewing - nothing
+ feeling - content
+ reading - people's livejournals
+ chatting with - bianca, daniel, & omega
+ watching - nothing
+ should REALLY be - doing nothing
+ brush your teeth? duhh stoopid
+ like anybody? maybe
+ have any piercings? 2 on each ear
+ drive? grr no
+ believe in Santa Claus? not anymore
+ ever get off the computer? yeah stoopid
+ who is your best? my lovers
+ who is the loudest? emma
+ who is the craziest? johnny because he is literally insane.
+ who is the 'hottest'? all of them.
+ who is the cutest? ferrrrnie
+ who laughs the most? i dont really know .. didi says i laugh the most idk
+ who have you known the longest? janelle, my cousin
+ who have you known the jennifer alberto!
+ do you belong to a crew? no ?
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? no shit.
+ do you trust your friends? to the point im gullible
+ are you a good friend? hopefully
+ can you keep a secret? =X sometimes ! sorry!
+ Hugged - jackie
+ IMed - ken
+ Talked to on the phone - emma
+ Shook Hands With - julian for the sacraments project
+ Movie: a walk to remember
+ Store: dont have one
+ Relative: janellle !!
+ Sport: volleyball
+ Vacation Spot: bahamas
+ Ice Cream Flavor: cookies n cream or tempura ice cream
+ Fruit: mango
+ Candy: twix
+ Holiday: halloween
+ Day of the Week: friday
+ Color: turquoise
+ Magazine: teen people or ym
+ Name for a Girl: adrianna or something like lailana
+ Name for a Boy: calvin ! i dunno i like that name
SECTION 8 (DO YOU . . .)
+ Like to give hugs? theyre nice
+ Like to walk in the rain? its relaxing
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? with of course
+ Prefer black or blue pens? i like black
+ Dress up on Halloween? when i think of a costume
+ Like to travel? yess i do
+ Like someone? maybe
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? changes from every hour ..lol
+ Want to marry? YESSSS MAAM
+ Have a goldfish? i won a goldfish before
+ Ever have the falling dream? actually yeah ! i feel it too..
+ Have stuffed animals? yeahh everywhere
+ Go on vacation? when the parents want to
+ Bill Clinton: president
+ Suicide: NOT COOL
+ Summer: funnnn !
+ Tattoos: i want one!
+ Piercing: too much is overrated
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Be serious or funny? balanced
+ Single or taken? whatever floats your boat
+ Simple or Complicated? simple
+ MTV or BET? mtv
+ Cops Or Law and Order? neither
+ Sugar or salt? sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Tongue or Belly Button Ring? bell button
+ Chocolate or Flowers? flowers
+ Angels or miracles? miracles
+ Color or Black-and-White photos? color
+ Sunrise or sunset? - sunrise
+ M&M's or Skittles? i like both equally!
+ Rap or Reggae? rap
+ Stay up late or sleep in? - stay up late
+ TV or radio? -tv
+ Hot or cold? - hot
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or Shorter? - taller is sexy
+ Sun or moon? - moon
+ Diamond or Ruby? - diamond
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? how bout 10 best frends
+ Vanilla or chocolate? - chocolate
+ Kids or no kids? kids!
+ Cat or dog? - dog ! ew cats are evil
+ Half-empty or Half-full? whats the difference
+ Mustard or ketchup? - ketchup
+ Newspaper or Magazine? - magazine
+ Spring or Fall? - spring
+ rain or snow? - snow
+ Lace or satin? satin feels nice
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? friendship!!
+ happy or sad? happy
+ Corduroy or plaid? - curduroy
+ Wonder or amazement? - wonder
+ sneakers or sandals? - depends
+ McDonald's or Burger King? mcdonalds
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? off
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? duct tape
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ A house in the woods or the city? - city
+ Pepsi or Coke? - taste the same to me
+ Nike or ADIDAS? - nike
+ Do you go to church? yeah
+ Do you like church? hah
+ What's your favorite kind of tree? willow trees
+ When you see a person with lime green tights on, what's comes to your head? peterpan!
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? sadly no
+ If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? on my backside
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? things i did that day or someone i like