May 22, 2003 19:41
I won this DVD/VCR player at work a couple weeks ago. They gave tickets to employees for doing good deeds. Then they had a drawing at one of our store meetings, and the grand prize was a DVD/VCR player. Who would have thought my only ticket would have been picked out of like 80 tickets, for the grand prize. I didn't think it was going to happen... but it did. So anyways, I won this thing, and I let one of my best friends, Matt, borrow it. He had just bought a whole bunch of DVDs and wanted to watch them in his room. Then, my mom asks about it. I understood why she asked about it, she was curious and all, so I told her "I let Matt borrow it". She was like "you let people borrow too many thing". I'm like "oh yeah, I just let everyone borrow all my stuff, mom". (The DVD/VCR player was the only thing being borrowed at the time) A couple weeks go by, and my friend is still borrowing it. Fine with me, I hadn't had a reason to use it yet. My mom asks about it again. Umm... hello!!!! Is it YOURS? She got all pissed off because she had to use it for one of my sisters projects. She needed 2 VCRs. She was getting all bitchy and shit. I told her "imagine if I didn't win the DVD/VCR player? Now calm down, and figure out some other way around the problem" (Matt's out of town for 2 days, so I wouldn't have been able to get it back anyways) She acts as if the thing was hers!