
Oct 29, 2008 14:42

Why do people equate wealth with how hard people work?

I can't say I know a whole lot about what does or doesn't work with taxing people and income taxes, etc. but I'm so tired of hearing the whole "the rich shouldn't be taxed as much because they worked hard to make their money, so they should be rewarded, not punished."

Last I knew, most people who are working minimum wage jobs or who are at or near the poverty line quite often work a HELL of a lot harder than those who sit in nice cushy offices and only have to work 40 hours a week and only have to work 1 job. Now maybe these people started out in the kind of jobs that I'm working now, and who knows, maybe I'll be one of those rich people sitting on my ass all day someday too, but it really confuses me as to why if they're making as much money as they are by working less hard than I do, why shouldn't they have to have more taxed away?

They're all living far more luxurious lives than me, they work less than me, they don't have to work as hard as I do or as many hours/jobs, most of them hoard their money and spend it all on themselves and don't give back to the people anyway (the only reason the poor don't give back is because they don't have anything to give back in the first place)... so why is it really a big problem if they pay a little bit more back to this wonderful country that provided them with the opportunities to crawl up the corporate ladder like they have in the first place? I trust that money in the hands of the government far more than I do in their own greedy, selfish hands. The government can use that money responsibly, or they might not, but I'd rather put that risk in their hands than those of people who clearly don't care enough about those who wonder where their next meal is coming from in order to give that money back and try to fix the problems with wealth distribution in this world.

I guess what it comes down to is that I don't ever see myself living a luxurious lifestyle, having several cars, owning a home, taking vacations, having summer homes, etc. because I can't justify that kind of lifestyle when I know there are starving people in the world. Maybe it's not that I don't think these people deserve the money they've (supposedly) worked so hard to make, it's that I don't understand why they spend it the way they do. There are so many poor people who ARE NOT poor by choice. They're not poor because they're lazy. They're poor because the system is set up to where there will always be poor people as long as the rich are still greedy and selfish. I just don't understand how material possessions make people happy and not taking care of their fellow mankind. I just really hate rich people I think. Not rich in terms of how much money they earn, but rich in terms of how much of that money they spend on themselves as opposed to spending it on helping others who haven't had the opportunities they have.
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