A Disturbing Thought?

Dec 20, 2011 04:01

Hi guys,

So like, here's me, a solid 99%-of-the-time Athiest - basically the only situations in which I would believe in a God would be if
a) said God had created everything as a massive puzzle and said "OK, fuck it, I'm outta here. You guys figure this shit out yourself." and skipped off to create infinite more universes,
b) sort of like in American Gods, became killed by a lack of faith over time (which is really a fucking interesting theory, but as far as reality goes, pretty bullshit), or
c) just doesn't give a fuck what's happening in the world.

I mean, how else do you explain ... like ... EVERYTHING?

But then ...

I was just reading something about people taking pleasure in life's karma, little miracles like when the dickface in the next lane cuts you off and proceeds to rape his way around every car in front of you, only to get caught in a merge lane when all the people he just pissed off won't let him back in, and it occured to me another possibility that I hadn't really though of ...

What if I'd been thinking of it the wrong way all along?
Let's say a God made everything, blah blah blah, crafted the world and all its living beings, etc .... but he's like ... a real living thing that runs out of energy and ages like, say, everything that has ever existed has done/will inevitably do? Even suns burn out and die - sure, the process might take just short of forever for something like a God, but the God's steady decline might be apparent.
Maybe he's like the battery in my electric toothbrush. Yes, it works, but after use after use, it has slowly come to the point where it produces nothing more than a soft, low hum, and almost no visible spinning.
What if poor old ageing, lonely God is still trying to pull the strings of our world with his little arthritis-ravaged fingers, but all he can manage now are some cute little poetic justices here and there? Cut the guy some slack, at least he's trying!

There was more to that train of thought, but you get the point.

Anyway, I'm still an athiest. Although I would really like to believe there are in fact Gods for all sorts of different things - like in the olden days, one in charge of throwing lightening bolts, one in charge of setting fires, one instigating every war in the world by throwing "Yo Momma" jokes across every international border, one for famine, one for causing traffic jams when you're really in a hurry ... I mean, there could be one for basically everything.

Ah, anything but to consider the fact that we are in control of our own messy downfall ...
Ignorance is indeed, bliss.

Tra la la ...

the universe, life

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