
Jul 29, 2006 05:11

I know I've bitched about this before-but it's still very annoying.

When you go to work, and you work your ass off all week until payday, does your boss go to hand you your paycheck then pull it back, laughing?

If you work as a waiter, do customers go to hand you your tip, then pull it back, laughing?

Of course not, because that would be inappropriate.

So why is it okay to do to a stripper?

Oh, that's's not. So don't.

I know my job looks easy. I know that. One of the hardest parts of the job is MAKING it look easy.

It's not funny, or cute, or appealling in the least to 'tease' us like that. It's rude. And it pisses us off.

Pissed off strippers=pissed off bouncers.

And trust me, you don't wanna piss off our bouncers.


You'd think this part would be basic common sense, but-guys and gals, when you go to the titty bar, bring money.

We don't get paid for this. We get tips and tips alone.

A big group of guys, all around 21-24 years old came in, made a mess out of the bar area they were at, and just wouldn't tip anybody. Not even a dollar. And they were rude about it, to boot-as if the fact that they were 'our age' and had penises made them gods or something.

After seeing more than a few annoyed dancers grumpily walking past to go get changed, the DJ made an announcement...

"And there's [dancer name] coming down from the main stage, bringing it closer to you! Aaaand remember gentlemen, these girls are not working for smiles and compliments, they're working for dollars."

The girls in the booth at the time, including me, giggled.

He paused, glanced over at the boys who were giving him angry glares.

He continued.

"Oh yeah, it's really easy. You bring the dollars, we bring the titties! See! Works out for EVERYONE."

After some shuffling around, and glares from the bartenders, the boys left.

I heart that DJ.

This last guy was just...ew.

He came in right around 1:30am I guess. I got up onstage, did a set, yadda yadda. I went around to him afterwards for tips, and he asked if I'd do a dance for him.

Now, he was wearing Teh Sweatpants of Dooooom that every stripper has at least a passing aversion to. That should have been a warning. But the dance would put me over my goal for the night, and I wasn't getting my instinctual 'avoid this dude' warning in my head, so I took him back.

The first dance, he was fine. Then he handed me $40 and asked for 2 more dances. I trotted up to the bouncer, gave him the $40 to hold, and he reset the timer for me.

Those next two, he started to get weird.

Now, bear in mind-I'm new to this club, still. And I figure it's like most clubs-the guy can SAY things, s'long as he doesn't touch or try to force things.

So I'm dancing. He's mumbling about how sexy he thinks I am. Fine, great. Then he took off his hat-okay, fine, except he's sweating like a stuck pig and it's freeeeezing in the couch room. Then he starts mumbling something else, a little lower. I couldn't really hear him, so I just kept dancing.

End of the second of the two, he said it loud enough for me to hear, though still in a whisper.

"Suuuuuuuckkkkkk myyyy coocccckkkk. Ooooooooh." In the creepiest voice I have ever, ever heard.


No works for me.

After I told him that, he piped down, and I finished that second dance (a total of three so far). The time was now 1:53am. I remember because I was watching the clock because I was tired.

He asked for 2 more. Bouncer said he could only do one more, because of the time constraint (we close at 2am, dances are 4 minutes long each, there were only 7 minutes left of us being open at all). So he bought one more.

I figure, what the hell. He doesn't touch, and he stopped with the creepy whispering shit, so okay.

As I'm doing the last dance for him:

Me=wanna go hoooooooooooome.
CG=Creepy guy

CG=Y'know, I'd make a great boyfriend for a sexy little thing like you.
Me=No thanks, taken!
CG=Aww, c'mon honey, you're so tiny and sweet, I'd eat you right up.
CG=I'd do you so good...

Just then, the four minutes were up.

I have never been happier to hear the words, "Time, Kestrel" in my life.

He creeped me out so bad in the end that I had a bouncer and the DJ walk me out to make sure he wasn't still there and waiting.

And the thank yous-

To the first guy who wanted a couch dance from me-a lot of the time, guys don't tip extra on top of the price of the dance, and that's okay. But you tipped me an extra $20 after the dance. You rock, thank you.

To the guy who comes in that just wants to sit with me, and talk, and give me lots of monies for really no good reason except that I talk about relatively intelligent subjects with him. I appreciate it-it gives my poor feet a rest when I can sit a spell and talk psychology with someone. Thank you ^^

And to the regular from my old bar who stopped in, tipped well, and bought me a few drinks-thank you ^^

cheap, creepy, rude, ewwwwwww

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