No, Mr. OMGIWANNAPARTY WITHYOU Esq.; she is not sniffling because of drug use. Nor is she sneezing due to same.
It might be because...
Oh, I don't know...
...maybe because we handle dirty ass money from you skeeves all damn day. Yeah, when you hold your dollar in your mouth trying to be 'cute'? You get germs on it. Germs you pass along to the dancers. Who wind up with every cold, flu, and respiratory disease you people, your wives, your children, the secretary you're fuckin' on the side, and your damn nannies have. And it's not like HAZMAT suits are sexy, so we do this half-naked.
Fun fact: Many of us buy hand sanitizer by the gallon, especially during cold and flu season.
So do us a favor, guys and gals, our 'fine, upstanding' customers:
Don't carry money in your mouth. You have thumbs, and hands, and pockets and all. Work it out. Monkies can do it, I'm sure you can get it too.
I'm well aware that money is already dirty by default if it's been circulated. It happens. For this reason, I don't put money in my mouth (see above).
In summary-please use your brains.
Not yours,
That skeeved out dancer.