Sep 11, 2008 03:02
So, "The Lady Vanishes" by Mr. Alfred Hitchcock is officially an awesome movie (and now up on my favorites list FO SHO) It's got it all! Nazis, mystery, suspense, train chases, a silly english gay couple (who are obsessed with cricket), evil baronesses, magicians, awkwardly charming romantic leads, girl power, shooting, drinking, smoking galore... and it was made in 1938!
Seriously. TOTALLY awesome. If you can get your hands on it, watch it.
The whole thing takes place on a train, and for the first 2/3 you have no idea what the hell is going on, and then there's a great reveal. It's awesome and all about a girl who gets on a train with a woman, goes to sleep and wakes up to find the woman vanished -- and everyone on the train accuses her of being crazy because they all say she was never there! It's awesome! Nerdgasam!
Also, I watched a section of "Kwaiden" today called "Hoichi the Earless" -- another film so technically well done I would have no idea it was made in 64. Really classic slapstick and a sweet story with that standard beautiful Japanese cinematography.
ugh. if you couldn't tell, my life is once again consumed solely by movies. I'm watching 3-6 a day in class, and more for homework, but surprisingly, I still enjoy it. There has to be something wrong with me.
My brother has a football game on Friday in Oxnard that i'm driving up to see, and there's the USC GAME ON SATURDAY VS OHIO! AH! I'm gonna be drunk and belligerent as all hell. I hope you're prepared, Jaime.
Well, I've got work and class tomorrow, I should probably hit the hay.
All for now