Ah, Spring Break

Mar 18, 2006 12:44

After posting yesterday, Chris and I were going to try and play a little Battlefront II before dad would try to get us to help get the house ready. I bet that Dad would make us stop playing before we even finished the first game, Chris thought it'd be the second. I was right. Two minutes in and he made us quit. He was going to have us help clean up but we decided to run and hide for the next two and a half hours until the guests had shown up. So we spent those two and a half hours hiding in bushes, trees, and on the roof at one point. And it was raining the entire time. One of the best parts of the evening was tossing pebbles at people from the roof and then hiding in the dark. We were pretty sure Dad would get pissed to find out we were hiding to get out of doing anny chores, so there was a definite element of suspense. Of course, that didn't stop us from signaling each other with bizarre animal noises and a recorder we had for some reason i don't know. In the course of our exile, Chris burned his hand on a chimenea and pretty much fell off the roof, and I had my head accidentally slammed into a door, courtesy of Chris. Plus, we were soaked and it was long dark by the time we finally came in. We pretty much realized we don't quite act our ages. He's almost 18, I'm 19, and we're diving into bushes and spying on the comers-and-goers. Plus we had code. He was Quail 1, I was Lemon Drops. At all costs, we had to escape detection by "Papa Bird".

I realize it's fun to be lame and ever so slightly quirky.

The party itself was fun enough. Plenty of people I don't know but talked to quite a few that I did. A few relatives were down from Georgia; Uncle Aubrey, Aunt Kitty, and our cousin Beth. I haven't seen them for a while so it was fun to catch up a bit. Ashton came by and mingled quite well. I was never quite drunk, but I was tipsy for nearly the entire party. Pretty much how I'd expect Jack Sparrow feels at every moment in his life. I'm a little tired of Bailey's, at any rate.

I retired to my room around 11 and ended up having a good, long, somewhat odd phone conversation with Leslie. I can't remember all the dumb things I said, but I was happy about it so it can't have been that bad.

This morning, talking to my mom:
Me: I never actually graduated high school, I just forged the document. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if I hadn't just confessed.
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