I am genuinely perplexed after watching the movie
Ali with Debbie tonight. Aside from its uncomfortable pacing and mis-mash of images and sounds that made it feel like one long drug trip, what was the point in even making it? It does not present
Muhammad Ali in a positive light, and indeed, history shows him to be a man of disreputable character -- he was erratically violent, manipulative, unfaithful, a womanizer, and not a man of his word. All this not to mention his involvement with the
Nation of Islam! I'd think that the filmmaker would either want to 1) lie, or 2) not even make the movie. Yet several of those involved in making the film believed in it so strongly that they offered to forgo their own salaries if it was to bomb at the box office. I don't understand it, I don't understand the style, I don't understand the point. Debbie, on the other hand, was fully engaged.
What a delightful opposite
Juno was to watch at the theater this morning! Although
Juno's a little rough around the edges and deals with teen pregnancy, broken marriages, and immaturity, it's all about character. I appreciated that it wasn't so much "anti-abortion" in nature as it was "pro-life" -- meaning that it valued so much more than simply the salvation of the baby; it values living from day to day, and living well. Its characters were regular humans with regular lives, not superheroes and bad-guys. It encouraged me that if a person can't have the "ideal" situation, then give the best you can give -- and be thankful. I was glad for the darkness of the theater, for I cried real tears at this movie.
Juno? It's on my Top Ten list ... and only time will tell precisely in which ranking it will land.
It is coming down from December's 80-degree days and getting cold tonight. Tomorrow night we're expected to hit the 20s. Brrr! I'm excited!