the weekend in pictures

Aug 13, 2007 23:43

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Earlier in the week, I learned some amazing things from this verse about giving and hospitality, and really experienced a new sort of joy! I wanted to share with the LJ world, but the time wasn't there to sit down and write. As it marinated in my head, I started seeing so many more applications, so many more joys, and now I want to claim it as a sort of theme verse for this past week.

Okay, "A picture is worth a thousand words," so goes the old saying. I am having a really difficult time sitting down and telling about this amazing week. So much has happened, so much.... And not just in relation to my grandmother's death. All sorts of stuff! Here are pictures from yesterday and today only. I hope you can tell what's going on emotionally through them:

Four of my mom's five siblings and other assorted relatives came to town this weekend for what was basically a reunion due to my grandmother's passing away. She is the last grandparent to die, so now these "kids" are the older generation. I bet it's weird for them.

My friend Niki, cousin Alex, and I retreated to the family room a couple of times during the viewing.

There were delicious cookies in the family room when it all started. Not sayin' about afterward. :-)

The only dead body I've actually been glad to see; Babcia's relaxed posture was such a good reminder of her present state with Jesus vs. the pain she was in before.

My car battery died because of age and the scorching heat, so the guys went out to jump it.

Niki, Alex, Uncle Simon, and I hung out at Walmart while the battery got changed. Automotive guy tried to rip me off (because I'm a girl?) with bogus charges and I called him out on it quite specifically. He blushed to be caught.

During dinner on this night, Aunt Iride opened up and told us stories from her past that we've never heard before!

Niki and me at the Catholic church this morning after a long drive and no coffee.

This is my favorite shot from the whole weekend; the five siblings who came to the funeral.

All of us following the casket down the aisle. It was a small and very un-Catholic group; we gave the priests a lot to talk about in their private chambers afterward. "What a weird family! They didn't know how to do anything in the mass!"

The priest was actually a Carmelite monk from an actual factual monastery down the road!

We're checking out the headstones of various ancestors, trying to pronounce the long Polish last names.

All of my iced tea cups at Applebees during lunch after the funeral. I was thirsty. Hush!

My lovely mom and dad. Awwwwww....

There is a whole batch from this weekend on Facebook. Look there if you want. :-)

All that, and still there is nothing to tell you about my car being rear-ended, or about the guy having a heart attack in church, or how it was in the mid to upper 90s even past 10:00 p.m. this week, or about my miserable run-in with airport security, or about exhaustion and naps and tears and shoulder pain and Scrabble and driving and driving and driving and more.

Got a wedding on Friday this week. I'm dreading the mayhem I'll be going back to at work tomorrow, as all the wedding stuff has been shoved to the side during my absence. Yikes.

family, funeral, niki, food, babcia

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