hear my cry

Jun 04, 2006 23:58

During and after the church potluck at Rosemont today, Michael and I wrote a song together. It's straight out of Psalm 61. This evening I got it recorded in MIDI on the computer including accompaniment ... note-by-note with my mouse.


Hear my cry, O God
Listen to my prayer
From the ends of the earth I call to you
Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I

For you have been my refuge
A strong tower against the foe

I long to dwell in your tent forever
And take refuge in the shelter of your wings
From the ends of the earth I call to you
Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I
You’re the rock that’s higher than I
You’re the rock that’s higher than I

Download the recording (for Quicktime)
[I embedded it in the entry and it
looked fine on the preview window, but
it doesn't seem to work when live online.]
Rosemont is the church whose facilities my Sunday night group uses each week. They had some sort of special "homecoming" service today and had invited us to join in the celebration. It was kind of nice! The acoustic group String Therapy, which I already love, provided all the accompaniment and special music. Then there was food!

After the official "homecoming," many from my group stayed behind to play volleyball and frisbee. I sat on the grass under a great big shade tree and watched. Michael sat with me for a while because his back was hurting ... he wanted to know how chiropractic care works and if it's "scary" at all. Not a silly question at all, considering I'd probably have asked the same things in reference to traditional doctors before my one good visit last week.

Last night I talked on the phone to my brother in Aruba. The conversation was a bit one-sided, as I could hear him clearly, but my voice was terribly staticky to him. Titus is a great storyteller, however, and I enjoy just listening to him.

creative, michael, church, titus, gathering

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