Apr 22, 2007 22:45
There's this person I can't fucking stand who posts on my old blog all the time. I wish I could just ignore this person, but every time I go over there and read what he/she wrote, my blood pressure goes up.
Not quite sure why this person gets me so worked up other than he/she is just plain annoying, self-righteous, pretentious, conceited and self-centered.
...or is that enough to dislike someone?
Something more positive now:
I'm going to work at the school district tomorrow. After last Thursday, I have to see Jason. Not that anything profound happened but I want to see him.
I have to do something. Don't know what yet, but I can't leave here without doing something.
Oh, who am I kidding? Why would he like me? I mean, really. Look at me.
(of course, you can't do that. But pretend you can.)
I'm ugly and fat. I have this really annoying laugh--thank God I don't laugh that often. I'm fat. I'm funny looking. I'm fat.
Did I mention I'm fat?
And honestly. Why would he like me? Okay, I know he likes me, but why would he LIKE me? I'm not that interesting. Pretty boring, really. And about as attractive as maggot-infested roadkill on a July day.
Plus, I'm fat.
I'm sure he's just being nice. After all, he's a very sweet guy. Goes out of his way to help people. Thursday he burned a CD for me--some anti-virus software for my home computer. He's a kind-hearted, sensitive gentleman.
Why would he be attracted to me? Ugh. I look like a dog's hind end. And I'm fat.
And I'm not his type. He probably goes for the sorority types--giggly airheads who are thin, tan and vapid.
Not me at all. I'm fat, pasty and intellectual.
In other words, destined to be the Crazy Dog Lady. Not the Crazy Cat Lady, since I don't like cats--the Crazy Dog Lady. I'll live with my dogs all alone, eating TV dinners and watching the Game Show Network. I'll chase kids off my lawn and go out to get the paper in my flowered housecoat and fuzzy slippers.
All alone. Fat and ugly and alone.
And what of Jason? Oh, he'll marry some sorority type and have a nice house, nice car and a couple of kids. Maybe a dog. He'll have that typical suburban life, be a great teacher, and live happily ever after.
I swore I'd never compromise for any man. Compromise NOTHING. Never give an inch, because men aren't worth it. They'll only treat you badly and leave.
But for Jason, I'd be willing to compromise. Not my values, not myself. But I'd be willing to give in a little, see him happy, make him laugh and feel wanted. I'd be willing to help him grow as a person and achieve his dreams.
I could do that. I could compromise.
But it doesn't matter, since I'm leaving.
Just call me the Crazy Dog Lady.