Sep 07, 2005 08:19
List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial.
1) A few strands of hair blowing against my face when I'm trying to sleep. It tickles, okay?
2) When things are not symmetrical. (Believe me. It drives me absolutely nuts. Just ask Allison.)
3) TV shows starting a minute or two before they're supposed to. If I'm trying to tape it, it totally screws me over!
List 3 things that make chocolate even better.
1) When it's used as an accent for something else.
2) Marshmallows.
3) Dr. Pepper. (As a side beverage, of course. Not as in "a chocolate ice cream/Dr. Pepper float". Eurgh.)
List 3 things you'd rather be doing than playing a game of LJ tag.
1) Right now? Sleeping.
2) Finding food.
3) Reading a new Barista series update. But there aren't any!
Three people to pass this along to:
1) Treish
2) Joyce (if she ever posts again)
3) Janna