(no subject)

Nov 01, 2008 01:01

I subscribe to John Howe's newsletter. Not only is he a great artist, he's a rather amusing and thoughtful writer. His latest newsletter talks about the types of LOTR fans he meets. He also had some interesting comments on costumers in general.

Many Meetings

This latest entry from him prompted this response from me.

Re: Many meetings. Very interesting and amusing observations. I LOL several times.

On costuming in LOTR and other genres, something you don't understand about the mind of some costumers (Why would someone want to costume in the Star Trek genre, for example), is that it's not so much about the costume as it is about the character. There are many Spocks because they don't want to look like Spock; they want to BE Spock.

Actually, it is Halloween night as I type this, and I am dressed as Luminara Unduli from Star Wars and trying to decide whether this Jedi ought to venture into the local pub and convince some death-stick-pedaling scum to go home and rethink his life.

I also costume as Galadriel and as Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter (which is probably the most interesting from the standpoint that pretty much everyone, regardless of age or body type, can pull off a very realistic costume from that genre if they choose the right character).

People costume for different reasons. I personally costume only in genres I am passionate about. If I don't care about it, it doesn't matter how amazing the costumes are or how much I might look like a certain character; I won't bother with it. As a rule, I do try to stick with characters that I feel I resemble at least somewhat. This is getting to be a challenge with Galadriel, as I am 46, and it's getting more difficult to pull off "ageless," and I find myself wondering if I should make the switch to Grima Wormtongue or something. However, my friends enthusiastically reassure me that the time has not yet come to retire her, and I think they're being sincere.

Anyway, reading your newsletter put me in the mood to express my own thoughts, so I hope you found them interesting.

Here is a link to my pictures from a recent small gathering in Shaker Village, Kentucky, called "A Long Expected Party." Go to alongexpectedparty.org's forums and you will find more great pictures.

Oh, and the first thing is a video of me reciting the prologue from FOTR. So, yeah, I'm a geek!!

What? You don't have that memorized?


star wars, galadriel, harry potter, costuming, luminara, lotr, bellatrix

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