Mar 27, 2011 17:35
Dear Pastor ****** and everyone in the basic lay speaking class,
I got into my car and began to drive to the class today, sermon prepared. I drove for only a few minutes, then turned around and came back home.
The sermon I'd written was about change - changes we make and changes that are forced upon us.
My church, like many in our area, has been clinging to life, but its demise is clearly a matter of time at this point. I wrote about that and how embracing change should be a good thing, as that is when we grow. The scripture I'd referenced was Ecclesiastes chapter 3:1-10.
In contemplating these changes, I also contemplated how they will change my life. I took this class because I thought this was the direction in which God was leading me. But I realize now that this is not the case.
Thanks to everyone and especially those who have taught the class. I think it took writing this sermon to help me make some decisions about my future, and so I am grateful for the time I've spent with you.
God bless you as you continue.