I knew someone was going to say something about the "homosexual connection" to the priests abusing boys in the Catholic Church.
Damn, and I really hoped to get to bed early tonight. ;P
[Joe Morality] says that the media’s goal is to destroy the Catholic Church and “traditional standards of morality.” [letter, April 22
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In India, the Islamic Imans are essentially running "religiously legal" prostitution rings. Go figure.
Scum are everywhere.
as I said. Scum are everywhere.
Did you catch the protest on don't tell in Washington? It was sorta hushed over in main media.
I'm tapped into some pretty excellent gay news media. ;)
I am sure he doesn't plan to, at all. He's rather give amnesty to criminals than to give citizens equal rights, or even abide by the constitution...but I go circular here.
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