I knew someone was going to say something about the "homosexual connection" to the priests abusing boys in the Catholic Church.
Damn, and I really hoped to get to bed early tonight. ;P
[Joe Morality] says that the media’s goal is to destroy the Catholic Church and “traditional standards of morality.” [letter, April 22]
Wow. Where do I begin? I have many friends who are Catholic, and I respect them as individuals and as Christians, but why they continue to support this institution is beyond me.
I do not think the Catholic Church needs any outside help in destroying itself.
I hear people lamenting the current scandal, saying the Church must weather the storm. It must be especially hard for the boys who were sexually assaulted to hear such words. It is like they are not the victims. It is all about the Church. Preserve the institution! Once again, the real victims are swept under the rug, forgotten.
What words would [Mr. Morality] like the media to use to describe what has happened? “Child sexual abuse,” whether pedophilia or ephebophilia, seems pretty appropriate to me.
One does not have to look hard to find facts from reliable sources, like the American Psychiatric Association, that refute claims that homosexual priests are largely responsible for the abuse of these boys. Sexual abuse is not about sex or sexual attraction; it is about power and domination. Gay or straight, they abused boys because boys were handy.
And gays do not “recruit.” Another myth, but some people do not like actual facts to get in the way of their argument.
If “traditional standards of morality” include covering up the raping of children so the church will not look bad, using church funds to pay hush money to victims of abuse, and using funds to support political initiatives that limit the freedoms of people who do not fit those standards, count me out.