Dec 30, 2015 16:56
Man, it wasn't supposed to snow! But Lisa had to tell me that I asked the wrong trees 'n so the trees were upset with the lack of human faith! So the 29th we got to move snow. Only it wasn't snow. It was slush! There were times sitting in the truck where you thought it was like trying to part a stream cuz there was waves as the truck went forward! It was like shovelling wet concrete! And then it got just slightly colder so the bottom became an inch thick layer of ice beneath the slush! My skidsteer was nowhere to be found so I had to do it! That's okay. Jame thinks I'm a machine too! :) This morning I could barely move! My back is soooo ripped! The kinds of pain that finds your breathing shallow! Now I gotta find an open back dress 'n go into public to scare more guys!!! I didn't even bother with pants this morning to open the coop! I just put a coat on 'n my rubber boots! Yeah, I looked like a real super hero! :)
I love seeing how company's make cuts to save more money! This one place we do had a security guy for years 'n when you looked at him, you thought; that guy went to security school 'n ya didn't want to mess with him! This year they took an old guy off the street 'n offered him 5 bucks an hour 'n said he could take smoke breaks whenever he wanted to! :) So it seems!
I may have gotten a new client for our route too! It's cuz I was shovelling so hard 'n this almost retired aged couple came up 'n asked what company I worked for! Told 'em I didn't have any cards so they studied the truck 'n tried to remember the number!
I don't even think we did too bad time wise. I get all huffy puffy when Jame says the boss called 'n asked why were not done yet! Considering that the skidsteer was absent 'n Scott 'n Tim are doin' elsewhere this year! We saw the city doin' hydro. It also helps that Jame is famous for not taking breaks or lunch! I found out that I have to take advantage of his bathroom breaks though! He went into Tim's 'n after ten minutes I was wondering if I had to see if he slipt 'n knocked himself unconscious or something. I waited a little bit longer 'n then when he came back I questioned him. I stopped him immediately as soon as he said, It was bad! OMG, I don't wanna hear it! This is what happens when you don't stick to my diet!
I m thinking about slipping Kenneth a few things so he can make it that tires don't fall off of the snowblower! They're capped! No pins... I don't know where peeps minds are at!!! And it would help if we remembered buckets! I'm gonna be ready for next time!
I'm still glad that I wasn't Lise cuz her list is brutal! And she didn't like her helpers! Poor Lise! :) Baker 'n Carla came to her rescue! I think she may have even hugged them for coming! :)
But it better not snow too soon! My muscles need a few days!