(no subject)

Mar 23, 2015 19:58

I was waiting for a text from Jame to pick him up but then he came home with the truck. Now what did he bring home!? :) Aluminum pipes from a pool. It's funny cuz I always ask him if he asked for the stuff. A man of convenience he is. He needs something, sees something he can use, 'n so he uses it. Simple! Yeah, for him!! lol! :) I told him to make a giant ass wind chime near the lady who has a mean laugh to drown out her dog barking 'n her noises! He tried it out but I said it sounded like a train was on its way!! LOL!! XD
The mean laughing lady had a visitor today 'n he heard her say, "Your neighbour has a rooster!" flabbergastedly!! *sigh* I thought this was still the country? Unless she's one of those peeps that thinks humans should exterminate all animals cuz they carry parasites 'n dis-ease. And humans don't!? If only they knew!
The Canadian geese you see wandering around a puddle in the middle of an asphalt parking lot surrounded by buildings in the city is confused 'n dis-eased b/c everything thrown in the toilets has gone into the river 'n into the fish 'n now the geese are also carrying those toxins. I actually heard some fly overhead the other day 'n they sounded sick. I told them they can live here if they get used to humans, but then Finnegan might be a problem. That cat kills me!!
This is why I don't fear or worry about the "bad" guys: (Good guys deep down (peut-etre) who make bad choices)! The rabbits last year made me cry!! I was livid! But did I set any traps or shoot 'em? No, I just desired with all my heart that they would stop destroying everything! I didn't know how that was goin' to happen, so I just trusted in life! And we know the story. Along came Finnegan!
So yesterday, Jame stepped out the door 'n all of a sudden he heard rustling on the ground to his right. A bunny rabbit came running towards him, stopped in front of his feet, sat there panting 'n his eyes almost seemed to beg for assistance; but then more rustling came 'n there was Finnegan! :) The bunnies head turned, eyes widened 'n turned the opposite way to keep running! The bunny probably asks Jame cuz it knows how they 'n theirs upset me last year!
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