Feb 05, 2006 13:49
Ok... so I cannot concentrate, I cannot move, I cannot think, I am immobile at this point in time. Immobile and jealous of my ex boyfriend for having a life, not that I dont want him to have a life... ok... so maybe I am not as jealous as I am upset for neglecting my friends and always chilling w/ the bf. I have to learn to stop being so dependent on people... lol... ok so thats a lie... I am so not dependent on bfs it isnt even funny... maybe that has been my problem... am I too independent for a bf???!! If this is the case, well then, I shall be single + a virgin forever. I should just join a convent now lmao. Oh wait, I cant, I am too corrupted from previous bfs and experiences, and done things I cant even forgive myself for at this point... anywho I digress.
I took one of them stupid depression quizzes and a huge pop-up came up and said "you are at harm for injuring yourself, Seek help immediately call 9-1-1 or set up an appointment with a mental health professional." LMAO... I can manipulate them quizzes so easily. Apparently my score was way off the chart... however... the questions are so vague that any professional would be able to tell I was tired taking this quiz and that is basically what the questions are geared for.
Too funny.... anywho I am procrastinating my paper, I already did one, I have one more to go then a lot of unneccessary reading to do... but my theory is... I paid for those books, might as well read them even if we dont use them.
Well... my fingers hurt from typing...