randomly on my mind

Jan 18, 2009 23:14

I have very little patience for people who drive under the speed limit when there is no traffic and nothing is wrong with visibility. I am becoming quite a scary driver. I am grateful the police are never around for my little bouts of 10pm speeding :>

The suspense about JET is driving me crazy, and I'm not even waiting for a decision yet but just a confirmation that they received my application. The idea that there won't be any mail for two days straight now (because of MLK Jr. day) is almost more than I can handle.

LSAT class (aka the only thing going on in my life) is going well. If I can at the very least maintain the scores I'm getting now, I will be in good shape, but my goal is to get as close to 170 as I can possibly manage.

I am feeling guilty about the money spent on this course when law school is not 100% definite for me, but I think it's important because I'm not ready to let this door close on me yet.

I've decided that I really don't like my bedroom here. It's dark, it's far, it's cold, and my light switches don't actually switch off the lights. Also, my door will close itself shut if it's even slightly open. Can anyone say ghosts??? Despite that, the thought of living alone in my grandmother's old house in Japan in a few months is absolutely terrifying.
I'm still not over this song:

あなたが最近体験した 幸せは一体なんですか?
恵まれすぎていて 思い出せないかも

When was the last time you experienced happiness?
We're blessed in so many ways that it may be difficult to even remember

「CLOSER」 井上ジョー

japan, las vegas, things that make me happy, lyrics, what am i going to do with my life?!

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