[translation] KAT-TUN in Wink Up June 2008

Jun 05, 2008 22:03

Finished!  I kind of worry about their prospects together as a coherent musical group when it seems like Taguchi and Ueda don't really listen to/like music that much... I guess, a testament to the power of Johnny's?

KAT-TUN in Wink Up (June 2008)

'DON'T U EVER STOP,' their 7th single, was released on May 14th. This time, we talk to them about their new single, and a Q&A on music in general.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

I always play music in the car.  When I'm not in a car... hmmm, I'm not sure if there are other times.  I don't walk around and listen to music on my headphones, either.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

Lately, it might be songs with female vocalists.  The genre doesn't matter, I've been listening to everything from Western music to reggae... but of course, I prefer bright and upbeat songs.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

Nope!  It's because I don't pay conscious attention to the music.  For me, it's good enough to have it just playing in the background.  I don't go to concerts, either.  Sometimes I think about wanting to go, but I really don't go very often.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

Unconsciously?  Ummmm.... I wonder.  I really don't pay that much attention to music... like I said, it's good enough to just have it playing in the background.  I don't mind if there's music playing 24 hours straight or, on the other hand, I'm fine even if there is no music at all for 24 hours.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

In my case, I would just say something like, "How funny~ they're playing it!"  This has happened quite a few times.  The people around me treat it very normally, though, and no one really gets that excited.

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

Dance!  It's totally different from what I usually listen to, but this song was really easy to sing.  I feel like I was able to get through it with all I had -- I think I was able to show a lot of myself in the song.  I didn't concentrate on trying to sing well or anything like that, I just went along with the momentum.  That's because I think it's better to acknowledge myself as I am and be myself as I am.  If I were to score myself.... ah, but I always think of myself as a perfect 100 (laugh).

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「natsu no basho」 [a summertime place].  What should people listen for?

Probably the climax, huh.  It's a song that was written so that the high point makes a big impression.  The lyrics were written by NAO, who used to be underneath Micro in Def Tech.  He also directed the recording, and I think it has a very good, fresh feel.  Unlike 「Samurai Love Attack」, 「natsu no basho」 is in a lower key, so I sang while trying very hard to suppress the notes [sorry if this doesn't make sense.  I have no knowledge about vocals or terms or styles].  Also, I think there are parts that are more mature.  If you ask me where, I can't say exactly, but... in terms of feelings?  I think it's a good thing to see the signs of growth as time goes on.  It's a very summery song, so I hope you'll listen to it during drives and such.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

It's generally a necessity at any time.  As soon as I wake up, I play music until I leave the house.  I use a cell phone and music player combination, but... how many songs do I have?  2.  Just kidding, just kidding... (laugh).  I just thought it would be funny to say I only had two songs after talking about how I'm always listening to music (laugh).  In reality, I'm not sure.  If there's a CD I like, I'll just keep adding songs in.  I make my own playlists, like more mellow relaxing songs for the morning, and play those.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

The songs in Colbie Caillat's album.  As a genre, I wonder what that would be... acoustic, maybe?  I like Jack Johnson, too.  Right before concerts, I'll listen to loud rock songs to pump myself up and get into the mood... and on days off, I'll listen to relaxing songs.  The music really changes with my level of tension.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

Oh, probably.  I think there are, but I can't think of any.  During work, I listen to music to excite myself, so I have definitely been helped in trying to reset my feelings.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

When I'm drinking.  I listen to songs that are a little fancy, like Bob Dylan.  Lately, when I'm getting tipsy, I'll put on Madonna.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

At that point, I sing and start to dance (laugh).  I've had experiences like this, but I don't pay much attention to it.  Inwardly, I think, "Whoa!"  But, if I'm someplace like Shibuya and waiting for the walk signal when the PV comes up.... that's awkward.  During PVs, I always end up trying to act like I'm cool.  Back when 「Seishun Amigo」 first came out, it seemed like they played it wherever I went, and just walking around outside became 「Seishun Amigo」 all the time.  As soon as the intro started, it would be like, "It started again~"  I was thankful for it, but it was a complex feeling.

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

Unstoppable.  You can dance to it however you want.  Kind of like Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal,' I think.

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「w/o notice??」  What should people listen for?

It's very light and easy to listen to.  It's not on a high, and it's not as full of loud or cool sounds-- so it's something like acoustic, or very clean and refreshing.  It might be well-suited for driving.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

Music is always a requirement.  If I have time, I'm always listening to it, and whether I'm at home or in transit, I always have it on.  Even in the 2 minutes it takes to change before taking a bath, I would play some music (laugh).  There is no room in our house that you can't hear music in.  When I'm bathing, I raise the volume enough to be able to hear it in the bathroom.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

Oh, there are a definitely a lot of those.  They're rock songs, but not the loud and flashy kinds.  There are bands that write very mysterious lyrics.  Until now, I hadn't listened to much rock, but I've gotten hooked to it.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

Generally, if you go into a store or even a salon, it feels very strange when there is no music playing.  It's not awkward, per se.  When I'm at a stylist's place after hours, sometimes the music is turned off, and during those times it feels kind of lonely.  It depends on the genre, too, but I don't really like songs that have too many things going on at once.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

When I'm traveling alone, I always really want to listen to something.  Lately, I've begun to want to listen to music immediately.  I probably listen to music more now than I ever have.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

First, I think, "Oh!"  These things happen really often!  At those times, I always think, "Thank you!"  It's especially frequent during heavy promotion periods, but when I go outside after work and happen to catch a promotional truck playing the new song, I always inwardly encourage the driver to do his best (laugh).

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

We haven't done a song like this since debuting, but this is a genre that I personally like.  I added some beatboxing this time, but these types of songs are easier to beatbox to than rock songs, and I think it fits better... so that's a point I like, too.

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「SMACK」.  What should people listen for?

I wrote the lyrics in a way that even elemenatry or middle school students would understand the feelings.  The title is a reference to "a kiss that leaves a sound," and I was hoping the lyrics would be just a little bit cute.  I want people to listen to it in situations where... well, I'd be happy if you listened to it in any case, but I wonder.  Actually, I would want to know what times you should listen to songs like this one -- you tell me.  The solo songs this time are all completely different genres, so I hope that you'll find the type that you like best and keep listening to it.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

I'm always listening to music, so there isn't one instance I can point to.  When I'm at home, it's on all the time.  Let's say I was going to confess my feelings to a girl I liked.  While talking to her, I would ask what kinds of music she likes, and if she responded, "I might not really listen to music~ it's always TV," I would change my mind about telling her.  I think it's impossible to be with a girl who doesn't listen to music.  For me, music is just that vital.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

Hmm... I always listen to rock music.  It was always a genre I liked; after that, I started to listen to hip hop.  In hip hop and rock, I like the very hardcore stuff.  Also, I tend to blast albums, so most of the time I don't really listen to things by individual song.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

When you're at a karaoke place but not singing, it's really a lifesaver that they play music in the background.  If it were silent, that would be awful, wouldn't it?  Everyone gets really serious about choosing songs, so no one talks.  When you go with a girl you like, that kind of atmosphere is fatal.  So, I bet the music in that situation is a big help.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

Because I'm always listening to music, there is no particular time.  I bet that I'd bring a cassette tape even if I were going to the ocean.  I listen to it in the car, in the dressing room, and at home.  I don't really listen to music while we're going from place to place for work, though.  It's not as if I purposely try not to, but I don't really have gadgets for listening to music outside.  I have a portable CD player, but it's annoying to charge it, so I don't use it often.  I'm not too fussy about sound quality, but when I'm at home, I do prefer hearing clearer sounds.  But for me it doesn't really matter as long as I can hear it.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

I would pretend not to notice.  It's definitely happened before.  My friend would say, "It's playing-" and I just respond, "Oh, you're right."

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

Dance tunes have a lot of momentum, don't they?  From the point of view of a person singing, rock can be passed off with energy and shouting, but dance tunes are difficult because they require more complicated skills.  On the side of the listener, it feels good to listen to, I bet.

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「PARASITE」.  What should people listen for?

Hard core rock.  I consciously tried to see how far I could meld rock and hip hop.  What situation would I recommend listening to it?  I don't worry about things like that when I listen to music, but... it might be good to listen to when you need to energize yourself for a task.  Like, "My boyfriend is cheating on me, so I'm going to confront him tonight!" ...and then you get into an argument.  If you listen to carefully  before you go, I think you'll be in the fighting spirit.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

When I'm drinking.  And in the mornings, when I'm cleaning my room... I need it when I'm driving, of course, and I listen to it when I sleep, too.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

Lately, it's been... hip-hop, probably.  I listen to house sometimes, too, but it's mostly hip-hop.  I like Western music more than Japanese music, and I look online for news about music.  When I chat with my friends who live in America, I get recommendations from them based on what's popular at the time.  In Japan, though, even if I know what to look for, the CDs aren't sold until about a year later.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

No.  That's because I have my MP3 player on me at all times, and I'm always playing music no matter where I'm going.  When I go out to eat, there's music playing in the background, and when I go places by car, there's music in the car.  There is no time when music isn't playing.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

Probably my tension is low.  Although I'm not that wound up, I'll need to go to work or to a concert, so I try to motivate myself by listening to music.  In my everyday life, music is an absolute necessity.  For me, though, it's probably more accurate to say that I "feel" the music than "listen" to it.  I put the most emphasis on the beat, and I only occasionally listen to the lyrics very seriously.  When I want to get myself excited, I listen to songs with quicker beats, and most of the time when I'm trying to get to sleep, the beats are more relaxed.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

Ummm... I run away (laugh).  It's embarrassing.  I've experienced this before.  I was standing in front of the magazine corner and the song started playing, so I tried to hide my face in the magazine (laugh).  It definitely becomes awkward.  I don't want to listen to my music outside of work because I start to feel like I'm working.

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

That would be "dance-able."  It's the most danceable of all of our songs so far.  Because we have to sing and dance at the same time, I have to think about the choreography and singing at the same time.... but I'm already used to that.

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「LOVEJUICE」.  What should people listen for?

Everything.  The beat, and the lyrics.  I had been singing very "J-POP"-esque songs until now, so it was my first time singing something so close to Western music, and it was very different.  It was like a small challenge.  The lyrics are all in English-- I wrote them in Japanese first and translated it.  For the parts that were difficult to translate, I got advice from foreign friends.  During the recording, my friend came to watch, and he helped me with pronunciation, too.  I hope you'll listen to this song when you want to get yourself excited.


- As you are now, when do you feel that music is absolutely essential?

When I'm at work, I think.  The only time I really have contact with music is when I'm working.  I don't listen to music while I'm going places, and in private I don't listen to music very often, either.  It's not like I don't listen to music at all, though.  I listen to songs that other people recommend, and I listen to ballads a lot-- especially songs by Oda Kazumasa and Makihara Noriyuki.  The only Western songs I listen to are the ones used as title tracks for movies.  I feel like Western music has better sound quality, though, like the drum beats.

- Recently, what kinds of songs have drawn you in?

The theme song for a drama I've been watching.  It's a very heartwarming drama, and probably because I was watching that, I listened to the song a lot.

- Have you ever been rescued from an awkward situation with music?

I have probably experienced something like that, but I can't remember anything specifically.  I guess I've never been saved in a way that was memorable.  TV works too, but it's better to have music in the background, so things don't get awkward.

- At what moments do you unconsciously want to listen to music?

When I need to excite myself.  I can get dramatically more energized when I listen to a good song.  Also, when I listen to really hardcore music, my spirits lift a lot and I feel tougher.

- You enter a convenience store with a friend, and suddenly a KAT-TUN song starts playing... what do you do?

"What?  Is it welcoming me?" (laugh)  Once I went to a used bookstore, and a KAT-TUN song started playing... and it didn't stop with just one.  I realized that it was an entire album, and the friend I was with asked, "Should we leave?" (laugh)  It's fine if it coincidentally starts playing, but I don't like it very much when it seems intentional.  Last year, I went to a fireworks party at a friend's place, and after talking for a while, 'Real Face' started playing.  That was really embarrassing.  I was like, "Come on, stop that~!" (laugh)  It's different if it's just a convenience store, but if it's an environment where I can't freely leave, it puts me in a difficult position.

- How would you describe 'DON'T U EVER STOP' in a word?

It's a dance number, after all.  I think it emphasizes the performance a lot.  Rather than enjoy the sounds alone, I hope you'll watch it.

- Let's get to the core of your solo song, 「ai no hana」 [flowers of love].  What should people listen for?

The buildup from the second stanza to the main climax.  The feelings gradually heighten, and the strings start to play, and it's the part where the drums enter, too.  Also, I'd like people to listen to "ai no hana" on headphones, so that none of the notes escape.  It depends on the balance, but if you listen to it in stereo, a lot of the time, you can't hear the notes that we specifically put in.  The arrangement was done while considering things like the balance between voice and instrument from the beginning.  There are some finer points that were added in, like "the slight ringing here sounds good, doesn't it?".. so please listen to it in a quiet room with earphones.

Scans from daffytan can be found here.

Also, as an announcement/note-to-self type thing, I am going to finish Jin's photo file no later than August 31.  I am more or less halfway done but it will happen, I swear.  I'm just really bad at pacing myself, it seems.

akanishi jin, translations, kat-tun, kamenashi kazuya, taguchi junnosuke

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