getting territorial

Jun 05, 2008 20:34

This person -- or, I suppose, someone in the wide expanse of the internet-- totally took my translations for this sub and changed... four words.  I try not to get all territorial about things like this but it's absolutely impossible that any two people would translate something exactly the same way, and isn't it common sense to at least note that somehow?  These things do not float out of the sky.  T__T

On the chance that there are lurkery beings around, a general theory of the universe: commenting or crediting in whatever form directly contributes to my (and I would imagine most other people's) levels of motivation... and more motivated people produce more of those things you like.  Therefore, short term inconvenience should be worth it in the long run.

/end lecture

Although, perhaps I should be more alarmed that unzip instantly recognized that as my translation without comparing it or anything???  o__o;;;

Today, I...
- took a little boy, father, and two nuns on a 2 hour tour... in the process listening to Larry Craig's tirade on gas prices.
(If I were Larry Craig, I would never have surfaced from whatever hole he hid himself in after that scandal.  I can't believe he still shows his face outside.)
- researched torpedoes
- researched the costs of the war
- updated contact info of cool important people

translations, lyrics, pet peeves

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