I always enjoy spending time with you

Nov 24, 2012 23:51

Had a Cravings Thanksgiving yesterday with friends. My best Japan Thanksgiving ever, and look how cute we are super full of turkey and pie and all the trimmings. This isn't all of my co-workers, but everyone I love (and will miss!!!) the most :3

My last few days have been full full full of moving and eating and friends and now a little bit of getting sick. I hope I make it to Monday. I hope I can clear out by Monday.

I hope I'm not too sick tomorrow so I can go to the nice festival in Kichijoji!

M bought me dinner tonight in Ebisu and we hung out for a while in a cafe later because I'm not supposed to drink post-flu shot. I don't know why I always lapse into suspicion, but I like spending time with him, and I feel better afterwards. March, maybe.

work, friends, pictures, boys

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