I only worked for three days last week, but they felt like forever.
I've been hanging out with M for most of the weekend, besides the needing-to-go-to-work-on-public-holiday parts. We watched
Everything Sinks Except Japan (remember
Japan Sinks? neither of us has seen that, oops) -- I loved the asshole-ish nature of its story -- and
Confessions (Kokuhaku), which was worthwhile, although definitely not my usual kind of movie.
Today I went skiing with my Korean CIR friend. The slopes we went on were supposedly for beginners, but so steep!!!! The snow was also sort of hard/packed and not powdery, which added to my terror. I was doing fine until it started snowing really hard and I couldn't see anything anymore and my face hurt... yeah. I did end up falling this time but didn't hurt myself. It was fun enough, but I don't think I need to go skiing again for a while.
Tomorrow I am doing my Valentine's Day baking for the office!
I slipped
a chocolate pig in M's bag before he left♪