the news makes me unhappy

Sep 20, 2010 23:51

It really pisses me off how countries get incredibly bent out of shape over territory, but these disputes become even more ridiculous when the land under question is isolated/not contiguous (and therefore not an imminent security threat) and uninhabited.

Yes, I am an IR major, I learned about why governments care and why it's advantageous to have these claims.

The extra fishing zone and/or natural resources and so on are not worth the loss of soft power/credibility/other associated troubles.

I don't think it's unreasonable for Japan to detain a fishing captain because his boat crashed into a coast guard vehicle in a place he vaguely wasn't supposed to be, but the Japanese are foolish to allow this to be made into a big issue.

Yes, perhaps appearing to yield and make steps to reconcile may look weak, but the vast majority of Japanese people are not scary nationalists who will flip out [read: WHEREAS A DISTURBING PORTION OF CHINESE ARE] and Japan has a lot more to gain by having a good relationship with China. I don't think China needs Japan as much.

Japanese society has too many problems to be creating more with these types of international disputes. Maybe if it could keep a prime minister in office for more than 6 months, someone with a long-term perspective of the future could finally be in charge.

china, japan, politics, what the hell

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