on recent events

Sep 19, 2010 17:49


Poor seats, and I hadn't listened to the new album, but it was a good way to spend time.

Tegoshi is a star! His voice is smooth and silky and he is always there and bouncy and smiley and spouting the corniest phrases and generally looking very girly. Adorable! Made to be an idol! A female idol, perhaps, but an idol nonetheless.

Massu has terrible taste in fashion. He was super smiley, too. The others were making fun of his red hair XD

Everyone picked on Shige and in turn Shige just talked about fishing for the whole time. It was not interesting. Also, he is letting his hair grow out too long and it's not attractive :/

The KoyaShige solo was pretty atrocious, by which I mean they choreographed their own dance (preeeeeetty bad) and wrote the lyrics to their own song, which was jibberish. Koyama looked nice with his short dark hair, although it made it harder for me to tell him and Ryo apart when they were both tiny, tiny specs. (Incidentally, the friend I went with to the concert, who is gay, came out liking Koyama in addition to his original love for Yamapi. Interesting!)

During the MC (when Koyama and Shige weren't talking about Shige's fishing, which was like NEVER homg), the members were talking about episodes like--

Shige: So I watched Ryo's movie the other day and I texted him to say I liked it. The response came back, but... it said: Who are you? I was really shocked! :(

Massu: I called Ryo recently, and he said What! in a really scary voice, so I got really nervous and responded, Uhh... this is Masuda Takahisa from NEWS... He didn't have my number inputed into his phone either! And it hasn't ever changed!

Massu: On Waratte iitomo the other day, Ryo also said he doesn't have my phone number on TV... and I was watching it with my mom! When he said that my mom went, What?! and must have thought that we're on really bad terms...

Koyama: Yeah, so Ryo has been really busy--

Ryo: I could only go to three of the rehearsals for this concert!

Shige: But still, you've got all the dances down really well!

Ryo: Yeah, talk more about that!

Shige: Compared with us, Ryo learns really fast. For that other song (Dancing in the secret?), three of us (Shige, Massu, and I forget who) were learning the moves and it took us a solid 9 hours to finish it completely. Later I found out that Yamapi and Ryo learned it in 30 minutes.

At the beginning of his solo, Ryo told everyone that he might make mistakes but to just think aww, Ryo is so cute and look at him as one would a child. His huge adorable smile made everything okay. I wish he had more than one solo :(

Yamapi was really serious and aloof for most of the concert. He got sillier during encore, making kissy faces and dancing freely. His solo reminded me so much of something Jin would do, by which I mean he took great pains to cover himself with sunglasses and SO MUCH FOG/DARKNESS so that no one could see him, and this is the same perverse setup that Jin thinks makes one look cool. At least Yamapi isn't into hats.

I have very few impressions of Yamapi from this concert. Shige and Koyama pretty much took over all the conversations, at any rate.

Although I really enjoyed the songs that I knew, I didn't really like any of the songs from their new album, at least not on first listen. Being there made me realize that NEWS's music doesn't do for me what KAT-TUN's does, and that made me sad because KAT-TUN is broken.

There was a very cool part of the concert where they all get into hot air balloons and get very, very close to the stand seating. Otherwise, though, juniors were only present in one piece of the show and everything else they did was not particularly special or new, which leads me to believe that this is not a particularly high budget concert, either. The screens that they use to magnify them were also pretty small, which wasn't helpful.

It was a good way to spend time, but it was still unsatisfying. More Ryo and more Yamapi please :/

After that, I finally went clubbing with an English ALT who insisted that we get our money's worth by drinking to oblivion, and we stayed out until past 5am. More on this for sure, because it was an exceedingly interesting experience.

Unfortunately, drinking 6 cocktails and 3 shots did not agree with my stomach (for those keeping track, this is my lifetime record), but I'm super glad I was able to pace myself enough to keep myself from vomiting or feeling sick in the morning.

tegoshi yuuya, concerts, yamashita tomohisa, things that make me happy, alcohol, news

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