(no subject)

Apr 28, 2004 13:10

Son of a bitch...well, I got sucked into doing this Live Journal thingy because one always succumbs to the weetibug peer pressure.

I don't really know what to write. Hmmm. Well, I went out dancing last night and ended up going for beers with several of the younger dance people. This was a lot of fun, but now I am exhausted at work (and therefore, not really doing work, but writing a journal entry). This afternoon I'm going to a press conference we're holding on Capitol Hill. In case you don't know what I'm doing now (because I realize that I suck at emailing), I'm working for the Brady Campaign/Center to prevent gun violence. We have a huge event coming up on Mother's Day weekend (which is where I'll be as you all drink your beers and eat Teapot), as we're trying to save the Assault Weapons Ban that expires in September.

Now back to the important stuff. As I created my Live Journal, I contemplated long and hard about a user name. Finally, I have decided on Bonita Weetibug in honor of my love child with Ms. Niazi (or as I like to call her, Aliya Somalia). So there, I've made my journal. Good work Katie Fee on getting this started. I miss you all tons, and wish I was going to be at Smith next weekend.
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