Crack_Broom has open reccing this month!

Apr 09, 2012 00:25

For anyone who doesn't know, the LJ comm crack_broom has opened April to any member who wants to put up one rec. They call it "Free Flying".

How Free Flying Works:

Anyone who wants to may post one rec sometime in April. Make it your favorite regularly recced pairing fic, art, or vid if you like, or your favorite rare pair... whatever you'd like to share. Just check the community memories first to make sure that it hasn't been recced yet on this community. Use the normal posting format -- and don't forget your tags! If you'll be reccing something that doesn't have a tag, please note this in your post and we'll create a tag for you ASAP.

This month, all posts will be moderated so that we can make sure that: 1) only recs are posted, 2) people are formatting correctly, and 3) everyone only posts once. There are a lot of members, and we don't want everyone's flists to be completely spammed.

You must join the community to post, but membership is open. If you join the community AFTER, oh, say sometime around 10 pm EST Saturday, please comment here so we (the crack_broom mods) know to go back in our member banks and give you access, as access is not granted automatically. We have to do that manually. UNQUOTE

I'm hoping all the folks who are members and those who want to be members will go to crack_broom on LJ and show them the Good Ship Snupin is alive and well and filled with great stories. Look through their memories and make certain the story or art--and we have some of the best art around, in my not-so-humble opinion--hasn't been recced before and have at it. Please?

If you sail another ship, please go and show it off as well. I've enjoyed a few rides on Her Majesty's Drarry and Snarry, even the ghost ships of Sirius/Severus and Regulus/Severus. I've even gotten lost in the Sargasso Seas of Lucius/Voldemort and Sirius/Severus/Remus and Remus/Luna/Severus.

So, here's encouraging more pimping and reccing so that fandom gets more love in all its special places!

I've already started writing my own rec, after rereading it, of course!

pimp, rec, pimpage

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