Mirror, Mirror [NC17] (LM/NM/SB)

Mar 27, 2012 01:49

Mirror, Mirror

Author: bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy; Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy/Sirius Black
Summary: Sirius Black reappears and suddenly everything is different in Malfoy Manor.
Word Count: ~3,200
Genre: PWP; Alternate Universe
Highlight for Warnings: * Threesome; Dirty Talk; Anal Sex; Double Penetration; Swearing *
A/N: Just a thought that came to me one Saturday.

Lucius had decided to listen to Narcissa after that fiasco with the Dark Lord. Perhaps this time he gets things right?

pwp, sb/other, fic: nc17, sirius black, bonfoi, kink: threesome

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