I'm leaving for a while.

Jun 30, 2005 22:42

... I'm not going to be on LJ for a while. I need some time away to sort my life out, and get back to really enjoying life. At the moment my moods change constantly and each day I am torn between enjoying the moment and hating the fact that my life seems to have no direction at all right now. (Okay, home from uni, summer, get a job but WHAT purpose really is there other than the day to day nine-to-five monotony? What happened to me ENJOYING myself?!) And I am in a period of low self-esteem right now, where I am constantly comparing myself to other people and wishing my own life was better.

I think I explained it better in my recent post on __dearanyone: http://www.livejournal.com/community/__dearanyone/205838.html.

So. I'm going to go and make it better. I'm going to go and get myself out of this mess and come back when I feel better. I can't really predict when that will be, and I certainly don't know exactly how I will 'get myself out of this mess', but I hope it will happen.

To my friends: I enjoy reading all of your journals, and if there's one thing I'll say it's that even when I don't comment I think about what you say. I'm not always very good at commenting anyway. But I do care about what you say and write, and I just want you to know that. I'll *definitely* be back at some point, but if you want to take me off your friends lists during that time I understand. I'll let you know when I come back. Or something. Let me know what you'd prefer ... or something. I don't know. It's up to you.

Take care, have fun and enjoy the summer (hopefully I'll be back and have something to say about it and pictures to post from it before it ends?!),

Lots of love,

Rosanna xxx ♥
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