I Console Myself with "Wii" Puns

Dec 02, 2006 18:10

Someone explain to me how Podunk, Georgia not only sells out of Wiis at all Wii-selling locations, but also gets some sort of waiting list going on. Dammit, I don't want to support the scalpers on eBay, but I don't want to keep playing the "When will you get more units in? What do you mean, you don't know?" game, either. I hear rumors of shipments going out on the fourth, and I wants one, precious. Yessss. Wants the Zelda.

Happier matters: I'm running three and half miles a day now at a good clip without knee pain. Apparently I can learn to do things gradually, huzzah! This cartoon nicely illustrates my feelings on exercise in general and makes me less ashamed to admit that I like to read "calories burned" as "experience points."

Even happier matters: Doogie Howser and Les Mis, two great tastes that taste great together.

can it jump through hoops, dodongo dislikes smoke, follow the butterflies

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