Mar 23, 2006 14:00
Got a rejection letter from the University of Washington today, telling me that they had an extra-competitive application season and that I didn't make the cut. My GPA and GRE scores were high, and I don't think my personal statement was too cheesy-bad, so I'm not sure exactly what they were looking for. I wish they would append something informative to the bottom of the form letter, like
You were rejected because (check all that apply)
[ ] Your grades/GPA didn't quite cut it.
[ ] Dude, you didn't even do part of the application.
[X] One of your recommenders secretly hates you.
[X] You have cooties.
[ ] We draw these things out of a hat, no joke.
So this makes one acceptance (Boston), one rejection, and two still unknown. Hating the waiting game, here.