After goofing off for a week in the Big Apple, I came back and got some nice writerly news. One of my favorite things in the world is seeing my work translated into different languages - and I was missing Portuguese.
So when I got an email from the excellent folks at the Brazilian SF Mag
Hyperpulp (whose first issue has just come out, BTW), telling me that "Tenth Orbit" will make its (and my own) Portuguese debut in September, I was delighted. And for those who don't read Portuguese, it will be printed in English, too!
Plus, they are extremely friendly and nice to work with. All in all, this is the sort of stuff that reminds me why I love being a writer.
Also, writing is picking up steam once again. I put 400 words into a fantasy story since my last post.
There are more very nice and extremely exciting pieces of news, but I'll save them for future posts!