Because I am not procrastinating. At ALL... ^_^;;;

May 04, 2010 21:06

But omg I really am not enjoying editing myspace >_<;;; GODDAMN! My whole body REJECTS this kind of horrid html deprecated non standard anti-fun-shenaniganery! REJECTS IT!

So, some chat:

bondchick_nett: GAWDS whenever I found out that the girls who's CC I ADORE are like 17, it makes me feel a little ancient xD
javabean_dreams: LOL
brilliantcat: I know D:
bondchick_nett: I always thought Malle was like, 24, younger than me, but still, not SEVENTEEN
javabean_dreams: *bes 20 off in a corner*
bondchick_nett: 20 is not 17 xD - YOU DO NOT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE AN OLD BIDDY xD
javabean_dreams: i still think i'm 17. D:
bondchick_nett: I am not more than a decade older than you xD
javabean_dreams: i see cute 17-18 year old guys and i'm like HOT DAMN, THEY'RE-- aw crap
brilliantcat: I'm an old faaarrrrrrrrrrtttttttt
bondchick_nett: LOL theyre still within your bounds! xD half your age +7
javabean_dreams: lol! yaaay 17 year olds
javabean_dreams: what's the math for older guys? >_>
bondchick_nett: I guess if YOU are half their age plus seven? xD
javabean_dreams: 27 YEAR OLDS? THIS IS NOT OLD ENOUGH
javabean_dreams: what a gyp
javabean_dreams: gip?
javabean_dreams: EITHER WAY
bondchick_nett: Its gyp
bondchick_nett: cause its derogatory to gypsies xD
javabean_dreams: ooh lovely. i dont get sexy old mens AND i'm offensive

work, do not want, lol

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