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Comments 19

lionhearts August 15 2008, 23:25:30 UTC
WHOA. Now I would say you finally got some of the advertised fug, (SUPER FUG) right there. o___o


(I know I would love to have PenPen and Dane to put in my game, were such a thing possible. 83)


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 01:52:08 UTC
INSANE FUG LIKE WHOA! I was really shocked when Kurtis turned out the way he did, especially as none of his brothers were especially INSANE.

Hahhaaa! Okay see, now THIS spurs me on to see what I can do in that regard..! Pen-Pen needs to be spread amongst the world!


bondchick_nett November 8 2008, 03:32:11 UTC
WOOO! OKAY! MONTHS Later, and I dunno if you already saw, but I've got both Pen-Pen and Dane available for download now :D

Dane is downloadable from here and Penelope from the Phormuu download page. :D

Feel free to change their skin tones to ones you have in-game instead of using the ones they have specified xD I _THINK_ Pen-Pen is just set with a default skin but I'm not 100% ^_^


jtph_jo August 16 2008, 00:57:42 UTC
Dude I think 3/4 of the pollination tech's kids were ugly as >.< Only the last one was okay - and both boys from the first chick were terrifying as well.

BUT thanks for doing that, I am much less confused now about who was who and from which "uterus" lol XD

I think Saul's skintone is actually pretty unfortunate generally and doesn't seem to help anyone who gets a dash of bad genetics especially the girls.. it really heightens unfortunate angular features O_O

ALSO looking forward to a new story ;P ;P


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 01:45:56 UTC
*laughs* Seriously? I have LOVE for pollination tech's kids, cept for Paulette-Therese unfortunately... XD I so want Patricia-Taryn as a townie in my Rainbow Legacy neighbourhood so I can GET HER IN THE LEGACY! WOO XD

I'll name her something better than that though, yet ANOTHER case of me wishing I'd named the kids the other way around XD

Hahhaaa! You're welcome! ^_^ Was a nice little round up (if a bit anti-climactic) to the whole experiment, and also means its easier for me to work out who to try and extract etc. :D

Yeah, his skin tone is pretty much for MEN with very good genetics. The end. *laughs*

LOL! I know, six updates of the breeder, but its finally finished finished. I had to get it done though so I can move onto my other projects, lemon_lime35 is clamouring for the where are they nows (which I'm going to remove almost all story from and just post the kids and shit XD I HATE the way I did screen shots for those) and I've got SO MANY updates to do for Rainbow Legacy/I Love You To Death! XD Already onto wife four, and haven't posted


orangexpumpkin August 16 2008, 04:08:47 UTC
I'm so entertained by all of this! One of my favorite aspects of TS2 is the genes, and how they pass on. GAHILUVVIT.

Probably a ridiculous question, but how do you get the tubes of fertilizer?


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 04:20:27 UTC
XD! Yay ^_^

And lol, LOVE your terminology XD I had to think about that for a split second, then realised what you meant and freaked my cat out by eliciting a raucous shriek of laughter. XD

They're just for show, its actually just Vamprocillin-D from the Gypsy. I'd tried to put them in the fridge but none of my OMSPs were the right height for the fridge shelf, but I still wanted them to add a minor flavour of authenticity. I really impregnated them with InSim, and instead of just making quads straight out, I did four pregnancies in quick succession to try and maximise the odds of variety ^_^


orangexpumpkin August 16 2008, 05:02:33 UTC
Something else I don't quite understand: What is this InSim? Doesn't it do a whole bunch of things, like make teens able to get pregnant, and enable triplets/quads/quins? I've seen a lot about it, and I never quite understood exactly what it was...


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 05:13:52 UTC
The InSimenator does mean you can do a whole lot of stuff thats not normally available in game -- but only if you choose to ( ... )


choose August 16 2008, 06:36:23 UTC
This was good times my friend. GOOD TIMES

http://www.nettness.net/sims2/salus-experiment02b/45thejuice.jpg HOLY SHIT. IT'S SIMS KY JELLY.




LOL SUP DANE? WID YO FINE SELF? I want him for my game 8D


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 08:44:55 UTC
LOL Its supposed to be bottles of (randomly blue) sperms XD XD

Yeah, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO SEAMUS!? Where did that come from!!?

NO ONE DID! It was a super HUGE shock to me when suddenly THAT happened to Kurtis! O_O;;;

GOD POOR PAULETTE ;_; I think if she had an alien skin tone, she'd probably look pretty damn cool. Its just she doesn't... ^_^;;;

YEAH I KNOW! HOLY CRAP DANE! He was like the sleeper hottie of the experiment! XD MUST work out how to get SimPE working! MUST!


(The comment has been removed)

bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 09:48:05 UTC
Well, I guess Seamus wasn't third... but his chin was the only thing holding him back, not like the INSANITY of his brother... ^_^;;;

OOoh I'll have to go on a hunt for Astrid's hair for you, hold please. XD As soon as this poster I'm doing is complete I'll load up the game and check what the tooltip it says for that hair so I can grab it. I'm pretty sure its peggy but I'm not 100% so I'll look in an hour or so ^_^

GOD I DID NOW! HOLY JEEEBUSSSSSSS!! You have me wanting to try some sim speriments wity me now XD


bondchick_nett August 16 2008, 15:50:04 UTC
OKAY! I was right, it IS peggy hair. Its Donation Hair 105 (booty shakin' good times), and the one she's wearing is the recolour by Rissa. :D


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